Exactly. I wish some truly interested people here would read the actual science and scientific research we have posted in this thread. The ASSRP position statement. The WAFWA-Wild Sheep Working Group 2016 which addresses spatial and temporal separation and taxa specie threats. And a whole lot more based on recent EIS's and management plans on this issue. I love all wildlife including wild sheep. I don't care for special interest groups who spread misinformation, knowingly or not, that harm everyone. I believe the BHA does not understand this micro issue with which they were influenced by another group of special interest to post a negative policy position on it recently.The other thing that drives me is the incredible support that our user group has been getting from the scientific community (including experts in wildlife disease epidemiology and camelid experts). AASRP for example and their recent policy statement. It is not the hunters or hunting groups that the pack llama user group needs to convince. It's the regulators that we need to convince. We are having incredible success with that. So the only reason I am spending a very small amount of my time on this forum (relative to the amount of time I spend with the scientists and regulators) is to encourage fellow hunters to use some critical thinking skills. Also to reveal issues with the WSF BHA pack llama prohibition/restriction proposals that they may not be aware of. Sheep hunting is turning into a sport for the elite and the wealthy. That is not a good thing. Just look at history of what happened in Europe, for example. Why do you suppose that is continuing to happen here right now in the US? Where I live there is some remaining opportunity to hunt sheep with an over-the-counter tag. But I have seen a huge erosion of that opportunity over the years even though (according to ADF&G) there are fewer sheep hunters than there used to be. If you are a man of simple means are you somehow unwittingly contributing toward the trend of turning sheep hunting into a sport for the wealthy? Always remember that the sheep are a public asset. Who is it that is continually trying to gain a greater share of those assets and why? Does it have anything to do with money? If so, who is getting that money? Again, fellow hunters, BHA leadership, and WSF leadership are not who I need to convince on the pack llama disease issue. Of course I don't want disease introduced to wild sheep and I don't know of any sheep hunters that use horses that would want to either.