Bear hunting ban proposed


Active member
Apr 8, 2020
What next? I hope this doesn’t get traction. We are already limited on what we can hunt here. What the hell ever happened to initiative R3? I guess it was just more lipservice like anything else.

Write the Senator.


Bear hunting is a food acquisition activity.
Bear hunting generates conservation dollars.
It's humane.
Bear populations are actually on the rise.
Picking on bear hunting is essentially picking on a minority in a representative democracy. Tolerance should mean tolerating ideas that you don't agree with, not just the ones you do.
I must say, I agree with EKYHunter, i can not imagine what it must be like trying to just exist in Cal., let alone have an thoughts about
owning a gun, or even a bow for that matter. But then, there are consequences where one chooses to ‘spend their time’ !

And SaskHunter brings up a darn good point, one that many of us will be dealing with in the near future, that being we will be living with issues decided by social acceptance, and not deemed necessary by biologists who are educated regarding animals/environment matters. One thing being as old as I am, I will not have to endure the BS on hunting issues that you younger fellows will be facing.
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For all the good that it will do, I emailed several of our state senators. We shall see what happens. Keeping my fingers crossed on this one.
What next? I hope this doesn’t get traction. We are already limited on what we can hunt here. What the hell ever happened to initiative R3? I guess it was just more lipservice like anything else.

R3 is a Department sponsored initiative. SB 252 is a Senate Bill.
They will try again next year!

I think it was an Anti-Discrimination Bill. Since the black bears are still being hunted they don't have the same opportunities as the Coyotes and Mountain Lions to hunt for cats, dogs, children and joggers inside the city limits of the major metropolitan areas. (Kidding, sort of)

I know I'm getting in on this kind of late but I'm fairly new to this site.

What I don't understand is why all the people leave California because they don't like the way its governed. They go to Nevada, Arizona, Colorado and Texas and try to change them to be like California. (?????)

Just the way I see it.
Yes, they do come to Colorado. We used to have baiting, hounds and a spring bear hunt. The tree huggers voted out the spring bear hunt, hounds, and baiting. Now, we have too many bears and the idiots are still trying to get rid of the fall bear hunt.

The tree huggers will be the first ones to yell there's a bear in their back yard.
True Enough!!

My sister lives on the west side of Colorado Springs inside city limits and they had to build a fortress wall around their back yard to keep the bears out so the kids can play in their own yard. She goes outside and checks before she lets the dog or kids out in the back yard.
They will try again next year!

I think it was an Anti-Discrimination Bill. Since the black bears are still being hunted they don't have the same opportunities as the Coyotes and Mountain Lions to hunt for cats, dogs, children and joggers inside the city limits of the major metropolitan areas. (Kidding, sort of)

I know I'm getting in on this kind of late but I'm fairly new to this site.

What I don't understand is why all the people leave California because they don't like the way its governed. They go to Nevada, Arizona, Colorado and Texas and try to change them to be like California. (?????)

Just the way I see it.
I hear this repeated often. I don't think it is that simple. There are many reasons why Californians move to Red states, including but not limited to the poor governance or insane regulations. There are tons of city dwellers that saw their home appreciations hit the moon. They likely think things were just great here, but hey let's trade our old 1400 sq. foot 2 bed 2 bath for a 3500 sq. foot palace with money left over. I don't think the ones trying to "change" your state left because of politics or regulations.
I hear this repeated often. I don't think it is that simple. There are many reasons why Californians move to Red states, including but not limited to the poor governance or insane regulations. There are tons of city dwellers that saw their home appreciations hit the moon. They likely think things were just great here, but hey let's trade our old 1400 sq. foot 2 bed 2 bath for a 3500 sq. foot palace with money left over. I don't think the ones trying to "change" your state left because of politics or regulations.
While I think you are spot on that some people are cashing in, I also believe that there are a ton of people who are tired of certain things.

homelessness in THEIR city
high taxes

So they move away but still vote the same way and don't understand that a super-majority Dem for the last 20 years has shaped where the state is at today. Case in point, I followed a story in Huntington Beach where hundreds of residents were super upset they were going to build a homeless center IN Huntington and they all testified that it should be build in the Inland Empire. So they are all for helping the homeless, until it effects them personally.
I must say, I agree with EKYHunter, i can not imagine what it must be like trying to just exist in Cal., let alone have an thoughts about
owning a gun, or even a bow for that matter. But then, there are consequences where one chooses to ‘spend their time’ !

And SaskHunter brings up a darn good point, one that many of us will be dealing with in the near future, that being we will be living with issues decided by social acceptance, and not deemed necessary by biologists who are educated regarding animals/environment matters. One thing being as old as I am, I will not have to endure the BS on hunting issues that you younger fellows will be facing.
Chooses to spend my time?? WTF? I was born and have lived here for 57 years and for many reasons, I will stay. Running away will never fix the problem, and you can see in the states of OR, WA, CO, VA, NJ, and on and on and on, ideas don't respect state borders. The anti-gun/hunter mentality is spreading, not being helped by the "why don't you just move" contingent. If we all don't fight this crap, and not just say "thank God it's not me" we will all be facing the same types of problems.

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