PEAX Equipment

Be honest about your Wyoming elk app!

Not sure how much this matters, but I think actual tag numbers aren't set until April.
Myself and JM77 were hearing rumbling from department biologists about having to meet about now, early February, to figure out quotas for what they called the packet. Didn't make sense to hold a draw before harvest data was compiled, winter impacts were known, classifications done, etc.

The early NR draw was also causing a lot of problems with quota splits between R and NR. If quotas were adjusted up, NRs were getting ripped out of tags. If quotas were lowered residents were.

Plus, any new elk seasons had to be approved by the commission and NRs were getting no tags the first year of those new hunts.

Jeff and I lobbied the commission pretty aggressively to move the draw. At the same time, the commission got burned pretty bad on a few seasons they wanted to correct, but couldn't because NR tags were already issued before the season setting meeting.

The outfitters fought like hell to keep the application period for NRs, they knew the commission was going to change the draw date. They were successful doing that, and also getting NRs their draw results early enough that they could then apply for pronghorn and deer after they knew their draw results.

I didn't like the holding of the NR funds either, but we got 90% if what was needed to solve a ton of issues with the February draw dates.

That's what happened.
Myself and JM77 were hearing rumbling from department biologists about having to meet about now, early February, to figure out quotas for what they called the packet. Didn't make sense to hold a draw before harvest data was compiled, winter impacts were known, classifications done, etc.

The early NR draw was also causing a lot of problems with quota splits between R and NR. If quotas were adjusted up, NRs were getting ripped out of tags. If quotas were lowered residents were.

Plus, any new elk seasons had to be approved by the commission and NRs were getting no tags the first year of those new hunts.

Jeff and I lobbied the commission pretty aggressively to move the draw. At the same time, the commission got burned pretty bad on a few seasons they wanted to correct, but couldn't because NR tags were already issued before the season setting meeting.

The outfitters fought like hell to keep the application period for NRs, they knew the commission was going to change the draw date. They were successful doing that, and also getting NRs their draw results early enough that they could then apply for pronghorn and deer after they knew their draw results.

I didn't like the holding of the NR funds either, but we got 90% if what was needed to solve a ton of issues with the February draw dates.

That's what happened.
Thanks. I figured you would chime in. That was more detail than anyone should ask for and it is much appreciated.

Kind of a rule for life, if shit doesn’t make sense, just ask. There is often a reasonable explanation. And don’t go full tin-foil hat from the get go.
Thanks. I figured you would chime in. That was more detail than anyone should ask for and it is much appreciated.

Kind of a rule for life, if shit doesn’t make sense, just ask. There is often a reasonable explanation. And don’t go full tin-foil hat from the get go.

Dang, I was busting out the Reynolds brand too. Not that cheap shit.
Why are you going at Wyoming? Buzz isn’t the enemy. If you don’t like it don’t apply. People like you make residents want to bring the hammer down on nonresidents.
Chill your dill, it was a question. Since most states take about 15 days, I don't understand why Wyoming has you apply so early.

Next time I have a question I'll pm you and ask for permission to present it to the internet.
Not sure how much this matters, but I think actual tag numbers aren't set until April.
I'm just curious why they require apps in so early then.

Like this year, I have a chance to draw in WY, it's not great, but it's a chance. I'm also applying in MT, but if I get the MT tag, I'll end up withdrawing WY because I'll spend a few weeks on the MT tag... just trying to understand why they want you in the draw so early.
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I'm just curious why they require apps in so early then.

Like this year, I have a chance to draw in WY, it's not great, but it's a chance. I'm also applying in MT, but if I get the MT tag I'll probably withdraw the WY one.
Good question. Not sure what the answer is. They could certainly move the app date. Why does Iowa want to be first in presidential primaries? Probably some contrived pissing contest that they are the only player and want to feel like they win every year? I doubt it is really about $ because Outfitters are booked out over 1year out. A few months shouldn’t matter to them. WY is one of the few states that actually changes tag allocations based on new data. So view it as the price you pay for actual management.
I'm just curious why they require apps in so early then.

Like this year, I have a chance to draw in WY, it's not great, but it's a chance. I'm also applying in MT, but if I get the MT tag, I'll end up withdrawing WY because I'll spend a few weeks on the MT tag... just trying to understand why they want you in the draw so early.
Contact WOGA, like I said, and you ignored, they fought like hell to keep the January application date.

They'll tell you what I'm about to, they wanted first crack at NR elk hunters and lock them in to the elk draw by the end of January.

Like I also said, I didn't like the January 31 deadline either.

But, that's the concession Jeff and I made to ensure most importantly proper management, correct quota splits, giving the commission time to react to problems prior to the draw, and give non residents the opportunity to apply for the first year hunts approved at the April season setting meeting. We also lobbied successfully to allow NRs to modify and withdraw their apps into May.

Didn't get it all but again, 90% that solved a lot of problems.

Your inconvenience was considered, but I wasn't going to let that be the hill I was going to die on when we got almost everything we wanted.
Contact WOGA, like I said, and you ignored, they fought like hell to keep the January application date.

They'll tell you what I'm about to, they wanted first crack at NR elk hunters and lock them in to the elk draw by the end of January.

Like I also said, I didn't like the January 31 deadline either.

But, that's the concession Jeff and I made to ensure most importantly proper management, correct quota splits, giving the commission time to react to problems prior to the draw, and give non residents the opportunity to apply for the first year hunts approved at the April season setting meeting. We also lobbied successfully to allow NRs to modify and withdraw their apps into May.

Didn't get it all but again, 90% that solved a lot of problems.

Your inconvenience was considered, but I wasn't going to let that be the hill I was going to die on when we got almost everything we wanted.
Thanks buzz, that was the nicest response you've sent my way! I appreciate the response.
Thanks buzz, that was the nicest response you've sent my way! I appreciate the response.
Just so you know, Jeff and I were told we would never get that NR draw date moved.

With that in mind if we would have dug in over the January 31 deadline, we would have lost the rest.

You aren't the first, only, or last that hate our guts for being inconvenienced over losing early draw results or holding your money. Goes with the territory of placing wildlife and proper management first.
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Yes it is an inconvenience, but there is often opportunity there if you look for it as well. Most apply in January and are done with it until results come out. A few watch season and tag quota changes, and modify to their advantage.
Didn't WOGA want to keep the February draw with the logic that it allows them more time to book clients? They didn't get that as it got moved to May 18th. Why would they care when the deadline is, makes no difference to them if it's January 31st or May 17th. Wyoming doesn't have a specific outfitter draw with client agreements required. if they did, then I can see why they would prefer earliest deadline possible before clients find out about other draw results. Perhaps they were just fighting for their hopes to get an outfitter draw?
Didn't WOGA want to keep the February draw with the logic that it allows them more time to book clients? They didn't get that as it got moved to May 18th. Why would they care when the deadline is, makes no difference to them if it's January 31st or May 17th. Wyoming doesn't have a specific outfitter draw with client agreements required. if they did, then I can see why they would prefer earliest deadline possible before clients find out about other draw results. Perhaps they were just fighting for their hopes to get an outfitter draw?
It matters when a different state draw before your deadline and a would have been client buys points instead of books a hunt
Didn't WOGA want to keep the February draw with the logic that it allows them more time to book clients? They didn't get that as it got moved to May 18th. Why would they care when the deadline is, makes no difference to them if it's January 31st or May 17th. Wyoming doesn't have a specific outfitter draw with client agreements required. if they did, then I can see why they would prefer earliest deadline possible before clients find out about other draw results. Perhaps they were just fighting for their hopes to get an outfitter draw?
Over thinking it. They wanted to keep the early draw, but knew that wasn't happening. We made too compelling of an argument for why it needed to be changed.

They can still be assured clients via point averaging and locking clients in by the end of January.

They weren't fighting for an outfitter set aside over the draw date changing. I know because I was there, never came up.

The first real effort they made at outfitter set asides was at the task farce. Flew in outfitters from multiple states that have outfitter set asides to argue in favor of them in front of the task farce.

Several on the task farce were in favor and being swayed that direction. A handful of us testified against set asides.

I don't think most NRs realize how easily that could have passed and how much they were about to lose in deer, elk, and pronghorn allocations. WOGA made a serious run at it. They were going to make huge concessions to get them. Concessions that would have been very beneficial to Resident hunters.
I don't think most NRs realize how easily that could have passed and how much they were about to lose in deer, elk, and pronghorn allocations.
I thought it was pretty well communicated what was at stake and there was a fair amount of pushback from NRs? None of it as impactful as Rs testifying in person, but several Rs shared key points that NRs pushed hard was my recollection. I know I personally had a couple weeks of email back and forth with Sy, cc'ing the decision makers.
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