
Barnes TTSX 180 grain 300 win mag for elk?


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
Decatur, OH
I just had a quick question for everyone. I have been a fan of Barnes bullets over the years, I have shot 2 black bear and numerous other game with them out of my .270 and .243. I am looking at using the 180 grain for my .300 win mag for elk. Has anyone ever encountered any problems with them? I am just concerned about getting proper penetration and having the weight retention in the bullet when I need it.
Didn't expand for shit out of my 7-08 at around 200yrds. Recovered bullet was in opposite shoulder, bent over nose and 100% retention. Killed the bull but required three shots in the vitals. That was a 140 tsx.
Used them a lot in the .300wsm.
Only issue might be if you shoot an elk at a range over 300 metres
side on and try to poke te bullet through the ribs.
The lower velocity down range combined with little resistance through skin and minimal
bone might result in a projectile not expanding fully. It has happened to me so now
if I have to take a longer shot I will try to hit the animal a bit more forward to give the projectile
every chance of opening up.
Normally I just aim to hit everything I shoot in the lungs. It gives
greatest margin for error and typically animals don't run with holes in their lungs but I've seen
plenty run off with broken bones.
I'm sure they'd work, however I'd be inclined to drop to a slightly lighter bullets. In penetration tests, one gunwriter has found that Barnes penetrate the same distance as Partitions weighing 1.2 times as much. Therefore a 150gr Barnes should penetrate about like 180gr Partition. Unless you and your rifle are set up for shots over 400yds I'd probably drop down to the 165/168gr bullet and enjoy the extra speed. In my limited experience with Barnes, more speed is more better. I'd also go with the tipped ones.
I use 168 Barnes in 308 for elk and deer and have had very deadly results. I used 185 Partitions in 308 and 30-06 but like the Barnes better. Never saw complete penetration on an elk with a Partition, but have on Barnes. In fact, I've never been able to recover a bullet on a Barnes -- so far they've all passed through. Granted I am not much of a long distance shooter. I can't see why the added velocity of 300 Win Mag wouldn't make it even more effective.
Thanks for the responses. I agree that I think they perform better at higher velocity and we used to load the 270/243 loads on the "hot" side. It makes sense that this would cause them to expand quicker considering the added pressure and energy on impact.
Factory loads or handloads?

That can make a huge diference with a .300WM. I'm a heavy bullet guy. If you want to shoot the 180's, shoot the 180's. I've yet to see a situation where someone was shooting too heavy a bullet for an elk.
Barnes 180 gr ttsx in 3006. 347 yards , 1 shot. Dropped where he stood.
I'm sold on ttsx.


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Not sure. I use Nosler trophy grade 180 gr. Chambered in .300 win mag.Ive never had an animal take a step after impact... including pronghorn/deer/black bear/elk
I load my 30-06 with 165gr TTSX bullets. Definitely a fan. 4/4 on elk and 1/1 on deer with the setup. Really like those bullets.
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