PEAX Equipment

Ban the biscuits and open flames!


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2017
My wife’s friend had a house fire a few months ago because of the grill. From the stories I’ve heard The insurance company has not been very helpful and are looking for any way to get out of paying for anything.

Something is going to have to change. People are starting to realize that insurance is a crock of shit. People pay their premiums month after month without any late payments or claims and when you need insurance most the company finds a way to not pay out.
My wife’s friend had a house fire a few months ago because of the grill. From the stories I’ve heard The insurance company has not been very helpful and are looking for any way to get out of paying for anything.

Something is going to have to change. People are starting to realize that insurance is a crock of shit. People pay their premiums month after month without any late payments or claims and when you need insurance most the company finds a way to not pay out.
It's literally a license to steal and by law you have to buy it.
My wife’s friend had a house fire a few months ago because of the grill. From the stories I’ve heard The insurance company has not been very helpful and are looking for any way to get out of paying for anything.

Something is going to have to change. People are starting to realize that insurance is a crock of shit. People pay their premiums month after month without any late payments or claims and when you need insurance most the company finds a way to not pay out.

I work with a guy that got hail damage to his roof. Turned in a claim to state farm and they dropped him immediately.
how about we put all the banners in the Rocky mountain National park in Sept. Tell them all its petting season for the elk.
When my house burned down and I lost damn near everything I owned, insurance saved my butt. Don't regret a penny of what felt like I was just giving away to the insurance company for damn near 40 years. I wrecked my truck once, and I don't know what I would have done for transportation if insurance hadn't paid the $11,000 repair bill. Heaven forbid I would have to come up with the money if I ever cause an accident that leaves someone a vegetable for the rest of their life. I have gone through two major surgeries and a couple of smaller ones, along with 7 weeks of radiation therapy. My wife has gone through two major surgeries and is now going through chemotherapy. I have paid what seems like a fortune in health insurance throughout the years, but it doesn't even add up to a small fraction of what insurance has paid out on my behalf.

I'm sure there is a better way, but I also have seen that people who complain about the way it is will fight tooth and nail to keep from changing it. So right now, as it stands, I would say the only reason my wife and I aren't either dead or living in a small tent in the park, with people spitting on us and calling us a lazy good for nothing burden on society, is the fact that I have always invested in insurance. So, if the insurance company says I can't have a gas grill, I guess I won't have a gas grill.

I prefer charcoal anyway.
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I work with a guy that got hail damage to his roof. Turned in a claim to state farm and they dropped him immediately.
Have heard very bad things from state farm in this regard. One claim and they'll drop you because they lost money on you. I avoid them like the plague
This doesn’t surprise me at all. We see major insurers pulling out of CA and FL due to more frequent claims and skyrocking costs. Maybe CO is trying to prevent the same. Too many buildings in high-risk areas - living as one with nature, I guess. Add in that every fire that starts from a downed utility wire will come with a huge lawsuit and you can conclude your electric bill will go up. And every American, regardless of party, will expect the US Government to be the insurer of last resort.
I am about to have my house paid off and I'm going to look at going to catastrophic type homeowners insurance. My insurance here in Texas with the wind and hail is up to almost $4,000 a year for a $300,000ish house that they make me insure for $475,000. I would like to bump the deductible up to something in the 10% range and see what how low my premium would go. The big claims are roofs around here from hail.

I do the same for my health insurance with a pure $10,500 deductible and I save nearly that much a year compared to a low deductible plan. My premiums for family coverage are just under $600 per month compared to $1,400 per month for a low deductible plan with co-pays. We've been doing it for 7 years now and still have never met our deductible. Came very close the year my wife tore her ACL skiing but didn't quite get there. Over those 7 years we've saved close to $50,000 in reduced premiums even after taking out of pocket medical expenses into account. We have the catastrophic insurance if something really bad happened but so far we haven't used it.

I think the same thing would work for homeowners insurance but with a mortgage they don't want you to have the super high deductible plans.