PEAX Equipment

B&C Ranch


Active member
Nov 19, 2019
What are the current access guidelines through the BMA program for deer on the B&C Ranch off the Front? I see within the BMA online packet there was a rule change in 23' but can not find the individual BMA specifics. Thanks in advance.
Regardless of any rule change, good luck getting a person to answer the phone. The place seems reserved for the entire season a microsecond after the phones open on the first day of booking in August.
Those kind of BMAs should be draw only like a lot of other type 2s. Trying to get them to answer the phone is crazy.
Yeah I called a guy I knew to get on his type 2 bma(they don’t even give his phone number out at the local office🤷‍♂️) and he said that he only let friends or family on but luckily none of them drew this year and since I knew him since I was a kid to just call him back when I wanted to go. I knew of a small herd of elk hitting his hay fields. I figured come peak rut i was going to slide in there and smash the herd bull. For whatever reason this year he decided to let a giant crew of bozetards on also. By the time I got there it was no elk just gut piles. Back to public for me! At least I know what I am dealing with! You snooze you lose! 😂😂. But I agree the type 2 friends and family deal is bullchit.
Also let me define bozetards so people don’t take offense.

Bozetard- recently moved to Bozeman to capitalize on the outdoor industry. Likes to be on podcasts telling everyone about their hunting prowess and knowledge
Dice Ranch (Brian) - I looked at the map, and last year it was #425 in Region 7. Please flood that guy with calls for his Type 2 on the date time he takes reservations. Try your hand at B&C ranch as well. Good luck with that.

I can about guarantee you, there's still no real access to plan around. If there is, he's changed his ways. FWP does not care, including those in charge of the BM program. I hope 500 people call Dice. "That's not how we do things, we have our regulars."

Last year a friend was drawn for bull elk in SE MT. He was also "drawn" as one of the public selected hunters (Bulls for Billionaires 454 program) for a large ranch on Sarpy creek that is in a very good area and is (Big Shocker here) also Type 2 BMA. The rancher was unresponsive on phone calls, returned a call weeks later during season and not providing any real opportunity other than (maybe in a week or so on a random Monday after my employees all fill out) at access, and did everything he could to make it ridiculously inconvenient to plan any type of hunt around. Unfortunately, my friend ended up making the trip over on some random day, met up and visited with the friendly rancher. "He's actually a really nice guy." Friend was beside himself to kill basically a management type mule deer buck and thankful beyond the moon for that opportunity to "run along now". He was played like a fiddle. Montana's great private land access programs should never be used as any valuable bargaining chip for landowner/outfitter hunting concessions for permits, etc. Public hunters will get bent over, that's how it is.
Also let me define bozetards so people don’t take offense.

Bozetard- recently moved to Bozeman to capitalize on the outdoor industry. Likes to be on podcasts telling everyone about their hunting prowess and knowledge
And the trendy new Bozetards come with money, typically. Few, if any are hunting around here, they are leasing ranches - usually out east.
Dice Ranch (Brian) - I looked at the map, and last year it was #425 in Region 7. Please flood that guy with calls for his Type 2 on the date time he takes reservations. Try your hand at B&C ranch as well. Good luck with that.

I can about guarantee you, there's still no real access to plan around. If there is, he's changed his ways. FWP does not care, including those in charge of the BM program. I hope 500 people call Dice. "That's not how we do things, we have our regulars."

Last year a friend was drawn for bull elk in SE MT. He was also "drawn" as one of the public selected hunters (Bulls for Billionaires 454 program) for a large ranch on Sarpy creek that is in a very good area and is (Big Shocker here) also Type 2 BMA. The rancher was unresponsive on phone calls, returned a call weeks later during season and not providing any real opportunity other than (maybe in a week or so on a random Monday after my employees all fill out) at access, and did everything he could to make it ridiculously inconvenient to plan any type of hunt around. Unfortunately, my friend ended up making the trip over on some random day, met up and visited with the friendly rancher. "He's actually a really nice guy." Friend was beside himself to kill basically a management type mule deer buck and thankful beyond the moon for that opportunity to "run along now". He was played like a fiddle. Montana's great private land access programs should never be used as any valuable bargaining chip for landowner/outfitter hunting concessions for permits, etc. Public hunters will get bent over, that's how it is.
That story of the 454 was how my experience was. Night before on some random work day worked best for them. Somehow agreed to say ya you can come on the weekend I guess. We got there and it was obvious we irritated they guy cause we couldn’t drop what we were doing to fit their schedule in middle of week.
What other BMA's aren't actually allowing access? Are there any that are in the BMA program and LandTrust simultaneously?
And the trendy new Bozetards come with money, typically. Few, if any are hunting around here, they are leasing ranches - usually out east.
That's what I've seen.

My buddy's neighbor is a retired NFL linebacker. I have prob 6-7 mule deer and elk euros at his house up near Sypes Canyon (before buying a house I literally had nowhere to put them). This NFL guy was over and saw the mounts and asked him, basically, what ranch he shot them on. My friend explained that they weren't shot on a ranch. This guy didn't believe him. Apparently he leases a place for like 15-20k around Colstrip and just thinks thats what hunting is...
The block management that annoys me are the ones that are in conservation easements, and still only allow family and friends. Conservation easements are expensive but maybe still worth it in the grand scheme of where things are headed.
I’ve had the same type of experience with those type of bma. I think fwp should have to issue the permission slips if that’s a issue then they shouldn’t be in block
I’ve had the same type of experience with those type of bma. I think fwp should have to issue the permission slips if that’s a issue then they shouldn’t be in block
Seems like the money could be better spent for long term access such as easements to public. There is a lot of land locked public. The people in those bma’s will still likely let the same people go regardless.
There are a few R2 type 2 BMAs that require a phone call to the FWP office where you have to leave a message with all your info on a certain date. That's the way it should be unless its a BMA where you just need to get the slip signed at the Ranch HQ. Racing to call at 8 am to hear you weren't first is r************

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