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Montana Mule Deer Raffle

Is that a small amount? Seems like its more than many auction tags.
It is more than the Montana tag usually auctioned for. (Which means going to a raffle was a good choice)

I just looked it up here:
Look at what other states bring in in auctions. Probably hard to get numbers on what they bring in in raffles.

The MT super tag for sheep at $5 sells about 26k if I recall.

If there were big deer to hunt I bet the raffle revenue would sky rocket.
Am I correct in thinking it's more than the Wyoming one sold for? But, bad winter may have something to do with that?
Does Wyoming only have one? They have several for sheep, which drops the per tag price by a fair amount.
If the point you are trying to make is that Montana only grows small deer I’m not sure you have the right audience with some of the guys on here that have seen otherwise.
Historically - it hasnt produced compared to neighboring states. Thats factual - you can either accept reality or subsitute your own i guess.
Am I correct in thinking it's more than the Wyoming one sold for? But, bad winter may have something to do with that?
Doubt it. The winter hit areas hard - a statewide tag is still really valuable.
The Wyoming Commissioner tags are not statewide. Person has to pick a unit.
Historically - it hasnt produced compared to neighboring states.
Montana has so much untapped potential. We're the only state that goes back 50 years to hunting statewide all of November with rifles. Imagine if we hunted elk with rifles state-wide, all of September. People would be scratching their heads saying Montana just doesn't produce elk like other states..
Right - so we don't know if Montana can produce like the surrounding states. That said, I have still seen pictures of some big deer being killed on private land where it isn't a forky free for all. Montana has the genetics for big deer.
Thats a fair point. There is a ton of untapped potential a

My point is that it isnt new, younger and smaller bucks have been getting rut blasted for a long time here. It isnt a change.
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Washington guy wins the Montana tag. All those eastern Montana waypoints from Facebook ain’t gonna help him out.

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