B&C Ranch

Yesterday morning during the early snow dusting I drove by one in the deep steep ditch, sitting in his fancy white high dollar 4wd pickup, wrecker getting ready to extract, and deputy sheriff directing traffic and shaking his head!
The Root educated some people today. Not sure, but some might not have made it. mtmuley
Yesterday morning during the early snow dusting I drove by one in the deep steep ditch, sitting in his fancy white high dollar 4wd pickup, wrecker getting ready to extract, and deputy sheriff directing traffic and shaking his head!
Yep, saw an identical situation on the interstate few days back.
Brand new white pick-up wrapped up in the new safety cable...driver looking very confused.
I ran into a guy a couple years ago and I wasn’t happy to see him, he ran right up to me. As the small talk started I asked where he was from and he said southwest Montana. I replied so Bozeman and he looked at the dirt and said yes. Met him on the road sure enough BHA plates. 😂 very nice guy though.
Yep, saw an identical situation on the interstate few days back.
Brand new white pick-up wrapped up in the new safety cable...driver looking very confused.
You gotta be careful from 3-4ks to the Bozo, as an inordinate number of those idiots have been driving wrong way on the interstate. Three fatalities in three months from wrong way drivers. The one girl with a 1 year old at home was killed on her way home from work. What extreme sadness! Idiot hit her head-on. Wouldn't you know it?! That asshole survived ! It's beyond absurd!
I won't go to Bozeman anymore. I went to college their twice (ugh), living there most of the years from 2006 to 2019. It was a great place until about 2015. It's awful now.

We moved to Helena, it is like Bozeman 2006 or so. I figure I got 8-10 yrs (15 maybe with a recession or 2) until it took becomes untenable. Hopefully by that point I'll have talked her into Miles City or the Buffalo area in WY, God willing.
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Watching the news about the proposed pipeline from canyon ferry to the valley they were estimating the valley will have 250k living there by 2040. How many live there now? 100k?
Watching the news about the proposed pipeline from canyon ferry to the valley they were estimating the valley will have 250k living there by 2040. How many live there now? 100k?
The census says Gallatin County has around 125K. I don't know what is all included in "the Valley".
Also let me define bozetards so people don’t take offense.

Bozetard- recently moved to Bozeman to capitalize on the outdoor industry. Likes to be on podcasts telling everyone about their hunting prowess and knowledge
Pretty much everyone who lives in Bozeman, Belgrade, Manhattan, Three Forks, and Teasers, pretty muchly. I may have missed a couple outlying piss ant communities.

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