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WTT T/C Encore Pro Hunter .50 Caliber Muzzleloader


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
Up for trade is my T/C Encore Pro Hunter muzzleloader in excellent condition. Currently wears a Burris 3-9x40 optic in Leupold rings and one piece base, which can be included for the right trade. Rifle is in excellent condition cosmetically and functionally- bore is mirror shiny and action locks up like a bank vault. Round count is less than 20.


Interested in trading for lever .30-30s, especially Winchester '94s, cash either way as necessary. This is an encore receiver that is capable of accepting barrels of other calibers, so it will need to be shipped to an FFL in the lower 48 that accepts rifles from individual non-FFL sellers. Shoot me a PM with what you've got! Thanks in advance.