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AZ Pronghorn - A lifetime dream

Damn, not quite what I am looking for. Great footage. Funny part is we have two water holes here.. One north and one south. A small coyote was ast the north hole, while the two bucks were at the south hole. I have less than 60 yard shooting to either one.

Hoping Big Hank comes and gives us the same kind of looks.
Here is the look from the blind to the north water hole.

And here it is with a coyote watering in it.

Here is a small buck coming to water in the south water hole.
Great updates! I would've had to smoke the 'yote with the a well placed arrow though! :) Good luck on the big one!
I don't know if I could keep a straight face with someone telling me they can consitantly put an arrow where they want it at 175yrds. Horse poop...good luck Randy...
For once the weatherman was right - hot, hot, hot. Supposedly, that should make the bucks as thirsty as I am. But not yet.

We are passing the time by telling jokes, laughing at the stories of the New Mexico hunt last week.

Kevin thinks Chupak needs to get his grill customized and spend a couple days road hunting with Jonas and Romulus. When Bugler reads that, he will laugh until he falls on the ground.

Sorry that makes no sense. It is one of those "had to been there" kind of moments that has us laughing in our sweat lodge, thinking about how Edgar got his ride to Beaver Creek. Hopefully this hyperthermia-induced insanity will subside as the sun drops. Laughing so hard I can hardly type this.
Randy I know that sitting water is not near as fun as spot and stalk for you but it keeps those of us sitting behind a desk more entertained and up to date. Thanks for keeping us informed.

Adam Casagrande
Damn, the lead doe stood out 400 yards and saw something she didn't like. Turned and took them all with her. Never did get a good look at the ones that stayed behind the little ridge to our south. Oh well, hopefully some will come and give us a shot at a good one.
Looking at our set up and how the antelope want to come in, I think I made a mistake in the set up of our blinds. I am on the east side of these two ponds. They want to come from the east side, as there is a small berm to the west. I think their natural path to water is to come in from the east. Being in their natural path is just too much for them to accept. Tonight, after sundown, I am pulling the blinds and moving them to the west side of the ponds. If they feel more comfortable with that path, I will give it to them.

The pond to the south has almost evaporated today. I knew it was shallow, but did not know it was that shallow. Hopefully it will dry up tomorrow, leaving the bigger pond to the north. Much easier on cameras and hunters to cover only one pond, rather than two.

Sucks having to pull and reset these blinds, in the dark. But, no sense in setting them again on Wednesday, if they are in the wrong spot. That is one of the bummers of not having time to scout. Normally, I would try to watch for a couple days and determine their preferred approach, then set accordingly. Getting here the afternoon before season opened did not provide for that, so I made an educated guess of how they approach. My education could use some upgrade.
"Anyway, Edgar's on his way to Beaver Creek with them right now" That is some funny stuff. Don't be smoking any pinners and I hope you can find a great buck to stick.

...if it gets too hot in the blind...put on Virgils wife beater that he got back. Victor could have ripped it though.
"Anyway, Edgar's on his way to Beaver Creek with them right now" That is some funny stuff. Don't be smoking any pinners and I hope you can find a great buck to stick.


Yeah, funny, for sure. No pinners allowed in our camps.

If we get one, the camera guys say they are gonna get "whiskey drunk." If things get too tough, they will probably pawn some space heaters and a bicycle, then head to Flagstaff and see if they can find Grandma's Cadillac.
Are you guys hunting or watching youtube videos again. ;) Funny stuff and I hope you guys get big hank to come in to water. Good luck Chupac!!

Are you guys hunting or watching youtube videos again. ;) Funny stuff and I hope you guys get big hank to come in to water. Good luck Chupac!!


I saw big hank sat afternoon. I called him holy chit hes big....what a stud buck. I would say everybit of 90 or so. same area randy has his blind.....kinda hoping he still alive when rifle season opens but It would be cool to see him taken on tv as well. I have been a long time viewer of randys show I agree with his mentallity on hunting. I hope he gets it done.
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What a long day. All for two bucks, two does, and two coyotes.

Kinda at a loss of what to do tomorrow. I have convinced the camera guys to allow me one more day to try find the monster down in the PJ. We are cutting it close in the filming gig. If I don't find and kill the huge buck down low tomorrow, the rest of the hunt will be in the blind, waiting for the pretty heart shaped buck to show up.

You guys probably did not know that Moosie wrote a book on back country nutrition. I am following it to a "T". Only problem is there are no milkshakes out here in camp. If I knew where the DQ was located in Flagstaff, I would make the two hour round trip to get one each night. Oh well, will continue with Moosie's book of back country nutrition.

When bored, try out your new Canon point and shoot. Makes me look a lot better than what I really am. Always cool clouds and sunsets during monsoon season of the southwest.


The DQ in Flag is right on the main road in town if you're coming up I-17. Just passed by it on my way home from my deer hunt this weekend. Blizzards are a good way to cool down in Arizona summers. :hump:

What model Canon is that? The pictures look great and unfortunately I'm in the market as ours busted on our last trip to Mexico.

Best of luck arrowing the Tank!
Caribou Gear

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