GOHUNT - Filter and find hunts like never before

AZ Pronghorn - A lifetime dream

Good luck Fin, I will be searching for a speed goat in Nevada, my season starting the 22nd. Hope we both have some good luck finding a trophy buck.
Big Fin,

Cannot wait to follow along. I hope you have found those bucks. I wonder if Wade will be following along??

Camp was set during a rain, so things are kind of a mess. Got a lot more searching to do tomorrow. Hope to have a plan figured out by Monday morning.

Hittin the bunk now. Will give updates as I can.
16 points = 16 plus inches of horn on each side! 16 iches of cutters, you are on your way to a trophy buck! Good luck Randy.
Ibirch - couple of things

I too am jealous of Randy but I really hope he can make a good career out of this as he is one of the few that puts the hunt before the trophy. Too many hunting "celebs" make it all about the trophy make make our younger generation think there is a "booner" behind every tree. So - I am jealous of Randy but an happy for him.

2nd - and I am thinking My Cousin Vinny here, Whats a Ute?
Ibirch - couple of things


2nd - and I am thinking My Cousin Vinny here, Whats a Ute?

StrutNut- It's an Indian tribe. So far Utah has resisted the PC deal and hasn't changed their nickname to the red storm or something dumb like that like St John's did.

Ibirch-- A Utah man sir, a Utah man am I
A Utah man sir, I will be till I die!!!!!!!!!
Saw one whopper heart-shaped buck this morning. He might be a shoot on sight buck. Gonna get a better view of him tomorrow when I am putting my tag on him. Major mass and hook disguise his length. Going to check some other spots now.

Mass on these bucks is like no place I've hunted before.
Sitting out a major monsoon downpour and lightning. Call me a puss, but I don't do lightning.