Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

AZ Pronghorn - A lifetime dream

Good luck with the hunt.Can't imagine waiting 16 years for a tag for anything
Nice chatting with you last night Randy. Hopefully one of those big bucks decides to play nice today, good luck!
Was nice to visit with Stan last night and with Wade the night before. Also bumped into another Hunt Talker today. He was here taking pictures of antelope.

Looked for Mr. Big all day. Saw one really nice one this morning, but not what I had seen yesterday, so I moved on and kept looking for the big one. Finally gave up about an hour ago. I was really really lucky to find him yesterday and doubt I can find him again. Did see the good buck from this morning, again this afternoon. If he keeps being so cooperative, he might bite an arrow.

Heading out fit an evening hunt now more later.
Our unpredictable monsoons with sun-baked rubble that create instant rivers, volcanic rock that gobbles up tires, and the other unexpected pleasures of hunting northern Arizona (like the chance of stumbling onto a few speed goats that will throttle your throat!). Stay on your toes, and shoot straight ...

You guys are putting these hunts together better and better --- loving it!
Decided to go to a different spot this evening. We needed to get some TV shots off the "shot list" so we went west and got some pretty cool interview shots and some amazing time lapse video of the sunsetting over a mountain lake. Also so an antelope that Stan had told me about. As stated, looked cool, with lots of hook, but not the monster I would need for this day.

We now are all hunting. Nothing but absolute pursuit of one of these big bucks. Tomorrow is sitting water. We have had our blinds soaking for three days and a ton of pressure all around them. Seems like where we set them is the one place where there is some sanctuary from the masses of hunters, scouters, pleasure riders, and assorted recreationists enjoying this beautiful weekend. Saw lots of them heading out this evening, so expect things to settle down some as the week progresses.

This morning was back looking for the monster of yesterday, right at daylight. Stayed up a little higher, hoping to glass down into the PJ country. Not much luck with that. Tried everything you can think of and saw nothing of the big dude. I was worried I would struggle to find him again, and it looks to be a well placed concern.

After an hour or so, we eased our way down the road to lower country and stumbled across a Hunt Talker taking pics of a very nice buck. The buck was all by himself and I probably could have made a good stalk on him. He was not very far away and the wind and sun was perfect. I guessed the buck to be in the 84+/- range. Maybe slightly higher. On any other hunt, in any other unit, I am shooting, without hesitation. But, I think he is only the 4th or 5th biggest buck I have seen.

We spent all afternoon looking for Mr. Big. Over canyons, across burns, in the flats, down every road. Seems he disappeared. In the process, the nice buck from this morning made himself very visible. He better smarten up, or his days could be getting shorter as my time gets shorter.

After leaving the nice buck this morning, we headed to an area a friend had driven through yesterday. He had seen a group of bucks and some does. Four bucks, a couple of which he recommended I check out. Headed over there around 8am. When I got there, some guy was already set up. Along with a ton of helpers. He claimed he had 9 helpers who had the entire portion of the unit staked out. I looked at the ridge tops and most of them were manned with guys on spotters and cell phones. He claimed to have five blinds in the area.

Not sure what to make of that. Completely understand wanting to involve family and friends. This almost seemed like staking out ground and trying to keep others out. He did say he was a guide or outfitter of some sort, if I caught that correctly. Seems he knows the unit very well.

Also told me he shoots for one of the archery companies and if the wind was flat, any buck within 175 yards was in trouble. I coughed and told him that I was a mere 50 yard guy, with 60 max if broadside and no wind. If he can make those shots, I guess good for him. Did some quick math, and given how an arrow slows at long distances, it would take 2.5 seconds for the arrow to get there and only .5 seconds for the sound to get there. The critter has 2.0 seconds to move, dodge, or whatever they might do before the arrow gets there.

I suspect he was just making talk. Maybe there are guys out there that can make those shots. If so, he is the first one I have run across. Still scratching my head on that one.

His posse claims that they have one good buck they are targeting. That or nothing. Also told me that a guy with max points applied for the tag and did not draw. I explained that would be impossible, given how the top 20% of tags go to the top point holders. Was informed that the AZ points system is a joke and means nothing. After that, I decided it was time to leave.

Hope he finds the big buck they have staked out.

So, I have three more days with the cameras. I would call these first three days more scouting and TV than hunting. Now, all of that changes.

As much as I hate sitting blinds, I think it is our best bet. We will sit water tomorrow, then spot and stalk on Tuesday, then blinds again on Wednesday. If I have not killed by the time the camera guys leave, I will be staying and filming On My Own. That should be interesting. Would require all blind sitting. Not sure I can take that for another week, all by myself.

So, I hope the pretty heart-shaped bucks comes to drink tomorrow. And if so, I hope I can maintain my composure and put the arrow where it needs to be.

This is a ton of fun. Seeing these kind of bucks is a special treat for a jiunkie like me. Thanks to all the friends and Hunt Talkers who are stopping by or emailing with information. It all helps.

A sunset on a great weekend in Norther Arizona.

Regarding the "posse" with the cell phones. I know that Kansas regulations specifically prohibit the use of "radio devices" to help locate or communicate the position of quarry. (The use of cell phones is not listed so I'm thinking there is a whole boatload of gray area there)
In the blinds this morning. Bumped a buck out of here on our way in. Not the big one so I hope we are safe. The antelope seem to water early here, as opposed to mid-afternoon in most other places I have hunted them.

Settling in for the long hot days of August.

More later.
Hunter's like that make it discouraging and its too bad but we all have to put up with them. I tend to stay away from that, its not worth it. Good luck today!
When I got there, some guy was already set up. Along with a ton of helpers. He claimed he had 9 helpers who had the entire portion of the unit staked out. I looked at the ridge tops and most of them were manned with guys on spotters and cell phones. He claimed to have five blinds in the area.

Not sure what to make of that. Completely understand wanting to involve family and friends. This almost seemed like staking out ground and trying to keep others out. He did say he was a guide or outfitter of some sort, if I caught that correctly. Seems he knows the unit very well.

Also told me he shoots for one of the archery companies and if the wind was flat, any buck within 175 yards was in trouble.

When I get the time Randy, I'll tell you with about 100% certainty who it is. "Making talk" is his specialty. best of luck this A.M..

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