AZ Pronghorn - A lifetime dream

A strange turn of events. Just sad BTD was sizing up the new guy, number 78, some gal runs on the field, grabs number 78, and they leave the stadium with a big herd of other gals. These Team Pronghorn games are continually disrupted in this manner.

OYOA had successfully argued that BTD should be allowed to face the next pitcher. OYOA has been awarded a base due to this calamity.

There is a break in the action as Team Pronghorn decides who they will send to the mound to replace 78.

Stay tuned for more action after these words from our fine members.
I believe fans on the field are interference Maybe u need a did BTD. Or a blizzard to offer them. Get rm drunk and they will walk you on into home. Idk hell you may even have to get one of the minor league pitchers that only throws one pitch. That way hr can't sneak that curve or sinker in on ya. You may even have to change your location signs on them. They may have stolen you old sign.
Knock the hell out of one.
Too bad you can'y wait til the September call ups. Lots of numbers in the 90's start popping up then.
OYOA can't catch a brake. Word is the team bus bought a tire. This delay may cost them an out.

Good news is that they have two spares and their driver is adept at fixing such things in quick order. As a side note, the driver was warned by locals that these were not 55 mph roads. Undeterred by the tire eating lava fields, the driver continued his ametuer baja stunts.

Bad news is that closer inspection of remaining rubber reveals serious compromise to the integrity of their structure. Tires being disposable, shall not delay this game any longer. Forward, at full throttle.

Team Pronghorn opens their annual series on Friday with the Riflemen. Those guys are here to watch the closing innings of this game. They are asking for scouting reports and game tape but OYOA had told them they will have to wait. Must be a big game. Lots of folks here to watch, even though they will not be playing.

Tire is fixed. Back to the game.
Would love to be in the stands watching this game live. Listening to it on the radio just doesn't do it justice. I think BTD will be up for rookie of the year and maybe MVP of the AZ Lope Series if he can pull it off in these last two innings. Keep your composure and a level head.
A big buck encounter can turn "Baseball Tonight" back into OYOA. A well placed shot can make the "play of the day." I'm up for either, preferably the later.
Spent the last hour, plus sneaking through their bedding area on the edge of a canyon. Bumped one little guy that acted like he wanted to come and play. He better get smarter before he gets bigger.

Bumped another good buck that I would have shot. Really good prongs and great lower mass. He and I played cat and mouse through the brush for a couple hundred yards. Had some shots between 80 and 90 yards, but those are beyond my talent, especially in this wind.

Headed further down the canyon to try the same thing. Start down wind, work into the wind for almost a mile and see if I can spot some rutting activity. Nothing else to do on this hot windy afternoon.
I think I hit into a double play this evening. Spotted two bucks and planned a stalk. Headed to cut them off in the scattered pines. Picked the wrong pines and came out about 150 yards from them. I am looking to the east, thinking they would be there. Nothing. Turn around and they are looking at me from my west. Guess that is what happens when you spot them a mile away and plan a stalk based on the your view fo the area from the north, but your stalk comes in from the south.

Doing all spot and stalk tomorrow. Pulled the blinds this evening. For sure the bottom of the 9th. If Vegas put odds on this outcome, I am pretty sure where the smart money would be. Not on Fin.

Lots of rifle hunters this afternoon. Not sure if that will change the patterns of the bucks tomorrow. Not like I have them figured out, so maybe that will help me.

Hitting the rack now. Been some long days.

Hope the bag of luck has a few small good luck tokens in the bottom.
Good luck just gettin ready to leave for my elk hunt ill check back tonight hope to see a pic of a last minute monster