PEAX Equipment

AZ Pronghorn - A lifetime dream

Archery only.

In his first post of this thread he said the season ends on September 2nd, so he has until Friday night to tag out or go home.

BiscuitHunter says it closes Thursday, I'd have to look up the regs to see who's right.
Keep after it Randy. It will happen. I am very glad to hear my Dad has joined you. He was unsure if he could help....I assured him he could and that both of you would have a great time. Thanks for being that helpful "pull" to get him out in the field. He has come to appreciate and admire your skill as a hunter and is quite honored and proud to be with you.

Good luck!
Just looked it up. Biscuit Hunter has it right. Archery closes Sept 1 and Rifle and Muzzleloader start Sept 2nd. Looks like Randy has 2 days left.
Sorry for the confusion, guys. My tag says that season closes September 1. That will be Day #14. If I can't kill one of these really big ones in 14 days of hunting, I guess it is time to give it up.

The evening was a disappointing as the morning was exciting. Tried to relocate the two bucks from this morning. Only found a doe and a fawn.

Walt just left, as we both concluded the best bet for the morning is my blind, after it has set for another two days and I went and placed deterrent blinds on the other possible water sources in the area. Having two guys in that blind is hard, especially with a camera. Possible, but uncomfortable. I suspect Walt has better option for tomorrow than sitting in a sweaty blind, cramped into the corner, waiting for an antelope to show up.

Plan is blinds 'til noon. Then spot and stalk mid-day in the junipers, then spot and stalk the evening for the one big buck near camp who has been AWOL for two days now.

It is now the top of the 8th inning. I am down by three runs. I left the bases loaded this morning. Hopefully I can pull it out in the 8th or 9th inning. If not, there will still be joy in Mudville, even if Fin strikes out.

I have spent two weeks pursuing a lifelong dream. Seen more huge bucks than I will probably see in my remaining hunting days. I have been close, but have held off on some shots/bucks that maybe I should have taken. I can say I have hunted as hard as I possibly can for this two weeks. Not much more you can ask for. And, I have had a chance to catch up with some Hunt Talkers and shared camps visiting with old friends.

If that is not enough to consider this hunt a success, then I don't know what is.

Tomorrow is the day. Not a promise, merely a gut feeling. :)
Damn it! I just keep hoping to see an 85+ on the ground. Some times it happens in the darkest hours, Good luck Randy!
I'm ready to cheer when you do hit that walk-off! It will be special. I am leaving on the first for elk camp so hopefully you don't hit the walk off with two outs and I'll get to see the rewards...if not I will check back when I get home!!! Hoping things happen tomorrow. I agree tomorrow is the day ;) . Nobody deserves it more then you do! We can all agree on that!
I just brought up the fact that the general season opens the day after archery as a reminder to Randy that-- if they are not already there-- the rifle guys will be showing up soon. Just something to plan for. I'm not sure why AZGFD scheduled the seasons back to back like that. It seems unfortunate for the archery guys that the rifle hunters are coming in to scout and sent up camp during their ninth inning.
"Now it is pleasant to hunt something that you want very much over a long period of time, being outwitted, outmaneuvered, and failing at the end of each day, but having the hunt and knowing every time you are out that, sooner or later, your luck will change." - Ernest Hemingway, Green Hills of Africa
Some times it happens in the darkest hours

Especially if'n there is a spotlight handy.

I've heard.

I'm not sure why AZGFD scheduled the seasons back to back like that.

Three reasons:

"Now it is pleasant to hunt something that you want very much over a long period of time, being outwitted, outmaneuvered, and failing at the end of each day, but having the hunt and knowing every time you are out that, sooner or later, your luck will change." - Ernest Hemingway, Green Hills of Africa

That is one of the greatest quotes I have read in a long time, Oak. Thanks for posting that. I do understand the sentiment of the first 85% of that statement. Still waiting on that 15%. ;)

Glad you're having a heckuva hunt, Fin.
Up at 4:15, once again. Walking into my blind by 4:45. Here and set up by 5:30.

Now, all we need is for the pronghorn to show up for their morning coffee.
A morning downpour was not what I was thinking of for good blind sitting conditions. Oh well, at least my blind keeps most of it out.

I am beginning to think this blind is like a cool looking fishing lure. You use it because you are sure it looks great. But, it doesn't catch anything.

Might pull it today and plot spot and stalk strategies for the remaining day and a half.
"I am beginning to think this blind is like a cool looking fishing lure. You use it because you are sure it looks great. But, it doesn't catch anything."

Isn't that the truth, both in fishing and hunting! Good luck Randy, you have certainly put forth more effort than most mortal men could have mustered.
Gonna be a damp and muddy walk back to the truck, but no sense sitting a blind in the rain. Spot and stalk it will be.
Team Pronghorn has pulled their starter. A new fresh buck from AAA has been brought in to face the bottom of the OYOA lineup.

Seems this new guy is very distracted by the female contingent behind the third base dugout. Rather than focusing on the plate, this buck keeps his eye out for anyone else interested in these gals.

OYOA is eyeing up this new guy from afar. They have never seen him before, so they don't know what kind of stuff he has. Down two runs, it looks like OYOA might put BeTheDecoy in at this critical lecture. Bottom of the 8th with one out and two men on. The wind is howling from left field to right field. The wrong pitch and good contact by OYOA batters, and that ball could be out of the park.

BeTheDecoy has just stepped up to the plate. The pressure is on. Lots of those girlfriends of the new guy are really keeping an eye on things. But, if anyone can pull it off in this flat cover and give OYOA the lead, BTD is the ticket.

BTD is now digging in at the plate.

More later.
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