AZ Pronghorn - A lifetime dream

Very boring afternoon and evening. Went to the usual locations with nothing to show for my efforts. Did see them grazing above my blind right at dark, so that is where I will be in the morning. Hope to provide something more meaningful tomorrow.
Don't forget to pack chocolate marshmellow pudding in your pack. That could be why the trigger hasn't been pulled yet. :hump:
Fin, don't take anything from my post. I know you have been swamped, muddy beyond belief, frustrated, tired, on and on. Make sure you eat well, keep a cool head and stick to what you went there for.
I was just trying to give you a little something to grin about. Go get em!!

The rest of you can refrain from piling it on me because I used to be young once, a long long time ago.
So close. Couldn't resist one more stab to spot and stalk the big buck down on the flats. I let the blind test this morn and headed down low. Amazingly, I found a different buck that is also a lunker.

Short version. I see him headed for the canyon and cut him off. I picked the most likely exit trail. He was coming my way. I moved forward about 100 yards, getting me closer to his path. I was now out of cover.

He was now coming down the path, very cautiously. But, going exactly how I hoped. He was on an angle almost straight toward my little bush. I had bad sun and wind, but really had no choice but to take the position I had.

I ranged a small shrub at 80 yards. The closer bush was 45. If he got to that bush, i am shooting. I continued waiting. When he got to the 80 yard bush, he stop and looked directly at me. I was not going to take a frontal shot, especially at that range, no matter how big the buck was.

He had enough and after a minute long stare down, trotted south and away from my area. I didn't pursue him, hoping to relocate him again.

Another close chance that got my hands trembling and heart pumping.
Don't lower your standards until the last half hour of the last day.
You've waited him out this long, might as well go the distance.
Good luck. He's got to make a mistake eventually.
I'm feelin it's gonna happen for ya today...that buck is gonna slip up and your arrow's gonna put him to sleep..go get em Fin.
Today has been the best day, by far, for locating and stalking big bucks. On the way back to camp, another very big buck was spotted. A buck I had yet to see so far. In these thick junipers and brush, you see antelope, or I should say, pieces of antelope. They can hide and disappear as quickly as they appeared.

Yesterday I was joined in camp with a long time family friend, Walt. Last night was a bust, and I felt bad that he had come over to enjoy the hunt, only to have it turn out as such a dud.

Well, this morning seems to have made up for it.

On the way back to camp, I spotted this buck. Walt claimed it was a big one. Not wanting to jump to conclusions, I got out and put the glass to him. Yup, heavy. big prongs, and tall. Not sure what more a guy could ask for.

A plan was devised. Walt would stay at the truck and come pick me up, wherever this buck might take me.

I headed into the brush to cut him off. Instantly, I was on him, but it was hard to get a shot. After following from bush to bush for about a quarter mile, the buck stopped, knowing something was behind him.

I could see his white rump through the brush. I kneeled down to range him between the split in the trunk of this juniper. 62 yards. He was broadside.

I nocked an arrow and came to full draw. I eased around the bush, ready to let the arrow go his direction. As soon as I cleared the bush, he turned and started walking away, without giving me a chance to get the pin settled. Damn it.

He didn't seem spooked. We continued this game of hide and seek, until he reached an opening. i glassed and glassed, making sure he had cleared the opening. Feeling comfortable, I started across the opening, only to see him step out from behind a juniper. He had seen me. He then pranced off, not on a dead run, but at a leisurely pace.

I didn't follow, as if this buck can be relocated, he is very killable, especially where he is located. Gonna be hard to find him again, but if I do, i hope I can get a little better opportunity.

It was the funnest stalk of the hunt, playing cat and mouse with him. Having many broadside chances at 80-100 yards while he horned the junipers of nibbled on a shrub. Just not my shooting range, even though I think he would have been my best buck ever, with any weapon.

I will be back there tonight, in hopes I locate him again. All I had seen here prior to this, was elk. He is not in the kind of spot you expect to see antelope.

Gonna wash up and take a nap. Been at it for over ten days now, and feeling the effects. A nap should get me on track to kill a buck this evening.

No lowering of standards. I thought about what Oak said. I have plenty of high 70's bucks and two that officially net in the 80's. Though I don't consider myself a trophy hunter, I really want to shoot a big pronghorn with my bow. If come home with my tag in tact, it will go in the drawer with my AZ Strip rifle mule deer tag from 2007. Better to have held the standards and hunted to the bitter end than to shoot a lesser buck just because I am tired, hot, behind at work, away from home too long, etc.

So, if I shoot one, it will be one I thought was real big.
Fin, you're a better man than I am. You've been at it too long now to settle for anything less than what you came here for.
Great attitude Randy. No shame in that plan at all. I'm excited to see how this hunt winds up, buck or no buck, it has been another epic on your own adventure!
Just giving you a hard time because I know you can take it. Not everyone can. Only person you have to satisfy is Big Fin. Good luck!
Sounds awesome and way to stay upbeat. As much as you've been putting in I'm sure your gonna get one! Good luck tonight!
We are pulling for you BF. Make yourself happy, if that means eating a tag or settling for something a little smaller or taking the brute. Just know that we are all enjoying it through our screens, almost as much as you are doing it live.
Ten days Fin, go after the one you want my friend...that's a long time to be chasin bucks...We are all waiting for the post where you are all smiles and there's a sleepn buck next to ya...go get em...
How many more days you have Fin?? (Anyone can answer that...I just seemed to have overlooked where he's said it). At least it's sounding a little more satisfying. Not to say hunting isn't always satisfying...after all, what else would you rather be doing!?. Sometimes I have to remind even myself of that...never fails to put a smile on my face when getting aggravated in the deer/elk woods or the antelope shrubs! Keep at it Randy! We're all gearing up for a walk-off home run!
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