Well-known member
Maybe. But in Wyoming if we correlate sheep on the mountain with money raised via governors tags and super tags, then the program is an epic failure.Those few tags build a lot of drinkers and do a lot for animal habitat (particularly sheep). In places like AZ where the environment is harsh, that can make a big difference in animals numbers, which translates to overall tag availability.
When i moved here in 2000 Wyoming was issuing around 400 sheep tags. With all these millions of dollars we've raised, pimped our wildlife to the well heeled to acquire, I'm not seeing more opportunities, but LESS. We're issuing about 180 tags here for sheep.
I'm seeing 7 sheep hunting opportunities sacrificed, money flying out the window, and not much of a return on the investment.
I'm still waiting for all this good these tags are allegedly doing to start appearing in the form of more sheep on the mountain and tag numbers increasing.