I can't really see deciding what animal to take based on antler or horn size as an ethical question. Just a choice. Ethics seem to be based on "That's the way we have always done it" more than anything else. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme not reason other than that. For example I sometimes watch those TV shows like North Woods Law. They make a big point of telling folks that baiting deer is unethical. Yet baiting bear is ethical. What's the difference? Technology is a tough one. How much is too much? I have seen on here that some are passionate about trail cameras being unethical. Yet they have no problem with spotting scopes. A trail cam at best covers 1/8 of an acre and tells you where the animal WAS. A spotting scope can cover hundreds of acres and tell you where the animal IS. So why is the camera unethical and the scope ethical? Seems like it should be the other way around. Shooting a pheasant on the ground unethical. Shooting a Turkey on the ground ethical. Makes no sense. There doesn't seem to be much set in stone ethics, Just the way we have always done it.