Drone thermal imaging

Had a drone fly over our camp in Wyoming around 10 pm two weeks ago!!!!!!!!!! We estimated it to be around 500 feet up and it was a very large drone
My buddy and I were on a good Kokanee bite at Hattie a few years back. We hear a drone all of a sudden. Must have had a GPS on it…it flew a circle right around the boat…maybe 50 feet off the water tops. Then it took off towards the north end of the lake where the nice houses reside. Whoever it was knew right where the fish were at that point. Those fish anyway. I guarantee I could’ve found several other schools…it’s not like they’re all in the one spot…but that’s how people act fishing in boats.

We were both pissed. What kind of person does that? Then we had a good laugh. It happens to us all the time fishing. I’ve got a cheap boat with a 15 horse motor…a fish finder that’s essentially just a depth finder and gps…and these tools with way more money and electronics than brains seem to have to wait for us to catch fish…then mob us without any shame whatsoever.

I’d rather catch zero fish than have to resort to drones or binoculars to watch other boats…but I guess that’s just me 😂

So yeah…screw drones. It ain’t even just hunting. We’ve joked about throwing a shotgun in the boat in case that ever happened again. Probably wouldn’t be legal to shoot it down but it would sure be satisfying.
Opposed. If tracking gets so difficult that it necessitates a dog then do that. If that fails try another dog. Thermal drones do have terrific potential for fire management, roof inspections and even locating sounders on private land. As for the conjecture regarding shooting drones, don’t do it. I know that they are potentially noisy, intrusive quadcopters being abused by trash humans. However, under FAA rule these things are aircraft no matter commercial or recreational use. Technically, downing one would be akin to downing that damn news helicopter that occasionally goes over your house.
Yes GPS, optics, game cameras and compound bows are all advances in technology that have been deemed permissible in pursuit of game. Drones should never be given the same approval because all fair chase has been removed. For the same reason that AK hunters cannot hunt the same day as flying into the hunt.

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