PEAX Equipment

Anybody else feeling there age?

No I've packed mules and horses my whole life I can get it even with adjusting and a small rock or two. The back straps tenderloin and all the misc cuttings go into a coupe bags and the weight can be moved accordingly. The last bull we killed wasn't very big so just dropped the head and horns in the light side and strapped it done and it road 4 miles back to camp
You said quarters which back in my day of horse packing meant bone in. Back then only slob hunters boned out meat in the field. Too dirty and wasteful. Times have changed.
I still go at it like i did 20 years ago. Shoulders are getting worse but legs still are pretty good. Only time I really feel old is when I stop moving and all the little aches and pains can get attention and can be felt. Example is when i mountain bike i feel great.. but sitting in the car or recliner i can feel light pains in lower back and feet. I guess the secret is to never stop moving.
The highlight of my day, at this point in my life, is waking up in the morning ;)

Like Frank said in "My Way". Regrets, Ive had a few, but then again, to few to mention.

I was still hunting in my early 80's, but, alas, no more. And I miss it, but I miss a lot of things-- my husband and I driving through the desert at 100 plus, sailing, playing the piano, dancing, traveling, hell, I even miss dressing up and wearing high heels. But, BUT, there is a silver lining, as I see family members more now, and thats a good thing :love:

My great granddaughter ask me, what I would do over, if I could. And I told her, ALL of it !

Mr Lamb. Glory Days, Bruce ;)
I felt like I was getting older again today while biking. But the real problem is that every night someone sneaks into my garage and pours another pound of lead shot into the frame tubes of my bike.

That and the fact that I'm always pushing an invisible headwind uphill on my loop rides make it just feel like I'm getting old. Bit I know better.
Just an hour ago I got the last of my crap out of the apt I was living in. Even with 3 Strapping young men to do the heavy work there was still a Ton of smaller (?) stuff that I needed to do myself. Took me 3 days. My body is 'Screaming' "You Dumba$$, you're 66" ! My back hurts, my calves are throbbing, my hands are cramping......too many ups & downs the stairs.

Thankfully I have the next two days to recoup B4 I have to pull my guard duty at my retirement job! (keeps me away from the boobtube & excess libations out of boredom).
You said quarters which back in my day of horse packing meant bone in. Back then only slob hunters boned out meat in the field. Too dirty and wasteful. Times have changed.

the front and back legs shoulders and hip have bone in, cut at proper joints for clean removal. And laid directly into game bags. Everything else's is cut off and bagged leaving just the spine and ribs on the ground. The reason for this method is we cannot transfer the spine across state lines. So your right it's not a true quarter like we do with beef, but we take great strides to keep everything clean. Nothing touches the ground and knives are kept clean and hair is delt with constantly. It's a process
I'll hit 69 next month. Still working my ranch but it's not as easy as it used to be. Mornings are the worst with pain in most every joint. Takes about 30 minutes to get moving good and start my chores. I held up pretty good until about 10 years ago. Packed an elk out of the Sierra Madres solo at 59 and hunted chukar several times a week back then. Considering how hard I used my body making a living and playing I can't complain.
The last week or so I've pondered on how things have changed since I was a kid and thought well maybe it's just me. Then tonight my 14 year old step son and I went a friendly wrestling match....the little prick flipped me into the oven and onto the floor. Felt like I broke about 15 bones. Not to be out done I didn't unlatch my headlock on him. The whole time thinking I hope this kid gives or I'm getting my ass beat. The whole time in my head was if he beats me I'll have no choice but to break his nose...I kid , kinda. He screamed uncle but I'm the one who has to limp around the job site for the next three days. It's all catching up to me.

I broke one and separated several other ribs 6 weeks ago retrieving my daughter's water bottle from a bunk bed, THAT freaking hurt, I'm finally getting healed up enough so that I can start working out again. And that's in the midst of some weird lower back thing I've have going on since moving our rather large bedroom dresser by myself 8 months ago...I'm 41, getting old SUCKS :ROFLMAO:
At a month shy of 39 I don't necessarily feel much older. But I have made changes to my lifestyle in the last few years out of the fear of injury. I no longer play in bball leagues, softball leagues, or volleyball tournaments. I stick to golf league. I have worn out knees but I've had those for 15 years. I have also had a very stressful last year or so and I look in the mirror somedays and think I've aged 10 years over night cosmetically. But I think motion is the magic potion just slow those motions down as you get older.
One of the conundrums of you middle aged youngsters is knowing when to stop dying your archery goatee...trute my dudes
When I got home from Colorado and realized I’d actually survived and that I was gonna have to pay lay tears tax bill was the first time I’d ever noticed gray in my hair.
Now that I’m all squared away I’m hoping the color will come back.
Stress is so stupid :(
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