Caribou Gear

Anybody else feeling there age?

I was playing coverage on 4th grade boys in football practice today. One took off and stopped, I slipped on the wet grass. Knocked the wind out of myself. Laying there gasping the kid said “you shoulda wore cleats”. I know I’m old because my first thought was my knee probably woulda blown up if I caught instead of slipped.
The last week or so I've pondered on how things have changed since I was a kid and thought well maybe it's just me. Then tonight my 14 year old step son and I went a friendly wrestling match....the little prick flipped me into the oven and onto the floor. Felt like I broke about 15 bones. Not to be out done I didn't unlatch my headlock on him. The whole time thinking I hope this kid gives or I'm getting my ass beat. The whole time in my head was if he beats me I'll have no choice but to break his nose...I kid , kinda. He screamed uncle but I'm the one who has to limp around the job site for the next three days. It's all catching up to me.
The most I have hurt myself was "rasseling" with my kids!

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