Deleted member 28227
Correct on your math. Plus federal employees pay into their pension. Anywhere from .8-4.4% per year depending on when they joined.
I’m sure some feds really make big money and don’t do much, but I haven’t seen them. I had about 400 feds reporting to me at one time and the overwhelming majority worked very hard. Sure there were some “bad apples” who milked them system and did the minimum, but I’ve worked in corporate America too and let’s not pretend those types don’t exist there.
I think so many people get emotional about feds because they think it’s “their money” that’s paying fed’s salaries. Maybe. But let’s not forget that about half of all US households pay $0 in federal taxes.
And folks who hate on feds would do good to remember that there was $800B spent on PPP that no one seemed to care to pay back. That’s enough money to pay every fed’s salary and benefits for 4 years….to do absolutely nothing.
No kidding, kinda to your point it always seems kinda funny everyone looking across their desk at how much foods in the other guys bowl and missing the big picture.
Bill is pissed because Bob makes 25k more… but the both work for a company that gets massive government contracts. In 6 months the board of directors will send millions back to their investors and take a massive cut for themselves. 1 year later they will vote to sell the company Bill and Bob get laid off with 2 months severance and the CEO gets 52 million or 1000x either of their salaries.
The really question is why not give the CEO 2/3 of that payout and double everyone’s salary.
What is that CEO gonna do with 52 they can’t do with 34?
Getting a severance equal to a years pay would be life changing to Bill and Bob.
But yeah 30k pensions