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Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

How dare you imply anyone in the O&G industry has ever embellished "proven" reserve estimates. Keep this up and you are going to lose your membership in the club. BHR will revoke your subscription to his newsletter, and don't expect a refund.
Everyone embellishes their proven reserves, but that’s mostly over stating well density, and over stating your type curves. At least outside parties can compare your reserves to other operators and compare your work to public data, and or their own geologist work.

Saudi is a state owned black box with zero third party oversight, their reserves are what they say they are and that is why they aren’t listed on a US or European exchange.
Tesla had a little pop this morning based on Elons poll whether or not he should step away from the Twitter hobby. Stock quickly slid into the red. Elon must be selling more stock.😁
Tesla had a little pop this morning based on Elons poll whether or not he should step away from the Twitter hobby. Stock quickly slid into the red. Elon must be selling more stock.😁
I think Tesla's Board may have had a zoom meeting this weekend and decided it would be a good idea not to be sued. Elon wears hubris like a coat, so I don't think he came up with this idea himself.

BTW, I voted 'no'. I love watching a good train wreck.
I think Tesla's Board may have had a zoom meeting this weekend and decided it would be a good idea not to be sued. Elon wears hubris like a coat, so I don't think he came up with this idea himself.

BTW, I voted 'no'. I love watching a good train wreck.
Warren flapping her gums again. Going to fun watching her be taken to the wood shed again!

Elon playing the whoa is me it's all Powells fault card.


But seriously, I'm ok with boycott politics, but let's call it what it is and stop canonizing old twit & demonizing new twit. There was no righteous objectivity at old bluebird, anything but. Now the shoe changes and everyone loses their mind and voodoo dolls the new egomaniac?