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Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

I'm surprised nothing has broken yet.
Yeah the losses on a traditional 60/40 have to be unprecedented as equities and treasuries move in tandem. My test income portfolio I had put together as a test idea for my wife’s money has significant losses for an income portfolio. Glad I just tested the water with that crappy idea. Corporate Junk bonds, reits, and treasuries.
Yeah the losses on a traditional 60/40 have to be unprecedented as equities and treasuries move in tandem. My test income portfolio I had put together as a test idea for my wife’s money has significant losses for an income portfolio. Glad I just tested the water with that crappy idea. Corporate Junk bonds, reits, and treasuries.
Lucky man! I would rather wrestle with a grizzly bear naked, than tell my wife to invest in something that ends up losing money.
Funny how some people view a down stockmarket negatively, yet those same people love to hunt around for a sale. This is a sale, clearance, closeout, everything is on sale, get it while it's hot (or in this case cold). Last year I would have killed to buy AMD for under $90, just bought this this morning for 63. Same for TSM at $69? Gimme that all day. Killer deals.
Funny how some people view a down stockmarket negatively, yet those same people love to hunt around for a sale. This is a sale, clearance, closeout, everything is on sale, get it while it's hot (or in this case cold). Last year I would have killed to buy AMD for under $90, just bought this this morning for 63. Same for TSM at $69? Gimme that all day. Killer deals.
The worry is how far is it gonna go down and then how long to get back to even 63. The downhill slide is not even close to being over.
My wife is sitting on a giant horde of cash(giant for poor people)…how I will ever convince her to deploy it will be the challenge. Bonds are on path for record yearly losses. The bubble has finally popped in my opinion
Go low fee but diversified bucket of stocks. VTI or VOO. Put in 1/12 each of the next 12 months. Or, can gamble on a single stock or option. BND, low fee diversified bucket of bonds, is not on my radar but might work for your spouse. Markets go up, go down, go sideways. At the end of the day, money will get deployed into assets and looking back decades for patterns shows that diversified assets tend to provide a nice return in a 10 year window and certainly in a 20 year window.

You know your portfolio mix of stocks and bonds plus other investments such as rental income. I am not expecting I will ever deplete my savings so am heavy into stocks when conventual wisdom would have a healthy amount of bonds. I also consider I have quasi-bonds that do represent a chunk of "bonds" in my portfolio. I do have real estate beyond my primary residence so impute that as a $0 income quasi-bond which I will someday rent or sell so income will result. I also impute the bond value that would generate my Social Security monthly payment at 62/65/67.5/70 and treat that as a quasi-bond value in my portfolio. Same for my pension at 65. So, 100% stocks in my real portfolio but, in my approach, I am much less than 100%.
for all this "the sky is falling" talk, VUG is only back to where it was two years ago. It's not like we're going back decades on prices, and it's not like everyone didn't know that a downturn in the market was coming. There's nothing catastrophic about any of it.
for all this "the sky is falling" talk, VUG is only back to where it was two years ago. It's not like we're going back decades on prices, and it's not like everyone didn't know that a downturn in the market was coming. There's nothing catastrophic about any of it.
No kidding.

One thing I noticed on this thread is some posters only show up on the down days. Kinda funny, kinda not.
So are you hoping Russia gets it way at the OPEC meeting and there is a production cut?
No. Just think oil and gas will continue to be a necessary and needed product in the USA, and good producers will profit from it. My Traditional IRA felt left out and wanted some DVN shares as well this AM. Good buy so far. How about you 99? What looks good to you today?
What looks good to you today?
NKE seems overdone. They will work through that inventory with by EOY. China is China. But if NKE is having these problems The rest of retail is going to get kicked in the teeth. There are a lot of names that look cheap, off 40-50% from highs. You take out the 10 largest names in the S&P, the other 490 are at a P/E of 14. If your time frame is 10yrs, you will be fine. But as Louis Winthrop III said in Trading Places, "Not Yet. Almost".

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