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Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

Maybe the gold futures are inversely related to the DXY? If you could overlay a DXY chart over a gold futures chart, you might see that the dollar and the gold compete with each other. Just a guess.
I got less faith in the dollar than I do in the market right now, and that's saying something. #*^@#* it, I bought this morning.

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Dollar is at all-time highs. That is certainly not helping gold, as @Bam Bam surmised. We just have to keep in mind that over the last 12 months, anything that went down is going to be negatively correlated to rates and the dollar. It doesn't mean that has to hold tomorrow. This is one of the crazier markets I have seen in terms of the difference of opinions on data and outlook. The money is all pointing negative however.
That 2% APY on my savings account seems real good right now lol
My wife is sitting on a giant horde of cash(giant for poor people)…how I will ever convince her to deploy it will be the challenge. Bonds are on path for record yearly losses. The bubble has finally popped in my opinion
Better than the alternative. My test “conservative” yield port has been absolutely crushed in the last week in a half +2% to -5%.
Yeah exactly lol

I set up an IRA at the peak went from $6k to $4920... my rainy day fund is up a couple hundred.

Inflation doesn't really matter if there isn't a good "return" to be had. Could have done some I bonds or something.

If one had 200k or something in cash... and wasn't looking at a 5+ year horizon I'm not sure what I'd do.
I've got an automatic transfer to my we bull account but lately I haven't even been buying anything. Sometimes I'll dollar cost average some of my positions but otherwise I'm thinking cash is my best position during then fall when I don't have time to research 😂
I've got an automatic transfer to my we bull account but lately I haven't even been buying anything. Sometimes I'll dollar cost average some of my positions but otherwise I'm thinking cash is my best position during then fall when I don't have time to research 😂
Sounds like my tsp. Looks good from afar until I acknowledge the "x"% per paycheck auto deposited. Haha!