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Actually, you know I'm right and you need to read better and try to understand the whooping you received.

For starters, you quizzed the CEO, who apparently DID NOT take a pay cut like the employees like you did.

Secondly, the Companies corporate tax rate was slashed by 14% and they gave you a paltry 4% pay increase. A "pay increase" that was not actually 4%, did you forget the pay cut you took?

Also, if you'll notice the word "proportional". The company gets a 14% savings in corporate tax cuts and they give you a whopping 4% pay increase. How is that proportional? You think the CEO only took a 4% pay increases as a result of the 14% corporate tax cut? Hilarious.

How many years in a row did you see no pay increases (not withstanding the cut you took)? How much has inflation sucked up that 4% pay increase?

You're easily fooled, the perfect employee.
It's cute when you think you know what you are talking about and what others situation is. My "pay cut" was around 15 years ago when I was in the union. And you really think if the corporate tax cut was 14% that is the same raise I should have got?? Cute. And I am not even going to go into how much more I make than the union workers since I left your preciouses union, you wouldn't believe me anyway. I could analyze you like you did to me but it would probably give you a stroke reading it.
There are a number of posters here that believe out of "fairness" it is a great idea to tax stock valuation appreciation annually.

I don't know how many people think that but I agree with you 100% on that issue. That's a terribly stupid idea. Elizabeth Warren just can't help herself and has to push that BS all the time.
no they just use net worth growth as a means of estimating and calculating what their income tax rate might look like. since many of these guys have no income, you gotta come up with ways to estimate their income.

who said anything about taxing net worth? i didn't. SAJ didn't.

but i bet you will again try to say that we're saying we should tax their net worth and/or unrealized gains, when, again, we never said that.

just in case you missed it, we never said that.

if the richest men in the world can get away with an effective income tax rate of under 5% i should be able to get away with it too.

let's not call it "taxing the rich" or "getting the wealthy to pay their fair share" let's just call it "getting the rich to actually pay a tax".... like everyone should

So it sounds like you don't think the rich should pay taxes on unrealized gains. If that's the case, a person can't be mad at the rich if their stock went up and they made a few billion on paper but they didn't sell and thus didn't pay tax. They'll pay taxes when they sell. Unrealized gains should not be portrayed as yearly income.

I pretty much agree with everything you've said about the wealthy but I also hate articles like this.
Are you saying those 30 people are a problem? If so, why? What difference do those 30 Americans make in the life of that hard working, well paid, long lived Israelite?
I'm saying wealth concentration leads to plutocracy, which is not healthy for a democracy...and that's a fact we live with every day.

So, yes when the rest of us peasants suffer under the minority rule, law, and regulation of the extra wealthy...they do in fact become a problem.

Some would argue a threat to our democracy, even.
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So it sounds like you don't think the rich should pay taxes on unrealized gains. If that's the case, a person can't be mad at the rich if their stock went up and they made a few billion on paper but they didn't sell and thus didn't pay tax. They'll pay taxes when they sell. Unrealized gains should not be portrayed as yearly income.

I pretty much agree with everything you've said about the wealthy but I also hate articles like this.

no i know it's flimsy. but what other data can you go off of? it's more the point of the article, the ways wealthy people can skirt taxes. people get all hung up on this realized or unrealized gains nonsense when that's not the point, the point is how little taxes are being paid by the people with the most money.

who's gonna get the data on how many loans they take out against their stock to pay for their lifestyles so we can really see? no one is, you can't get that data. loans they use as income but it doesn't count as income so it's not taxed. when billionaires flat out admit "yeah i don't have income so i didn't pay income tax, what's your point?" there's a problem.

seems some people are just straight okay with that stuff. i'm less worried about trump and biden than i am the fred eshelmans of the world continuing to wipe their asses with our existence.

some people may think that opinion means i'm just jealous, or envious, or that I think people shouldn't allowed to be wealthy. or that i'd get on my knees and lick elizabeth warrens boots. those people have no room in their brains or simply are too emotionally immature for intellectual conversation.
i'm less worried about trump and biden than i am the fred eshelmans of the world continuing to wipe their asses with our existence.
The Fred Eshelmans of this world have some impact on the choices I make. The Trumps and Bidens of this world have an impact on the things that are not my choice. The former barely registers in the grand scheme of things for me.
The Fred Eshelmans of this world have some impact on the choices I make. The Trumps and Bidens of this world have an impact on the things that are not my choice. The former barely registers in the grand scheme of things for me.

but i think we have to take the somewhat smaller things, like public access, trying to sue the snot out of public hunters for corner cross, commercialization of wildlife, and remember that similar things are happening in DC, in Bidens inner circle, in Trumps former inner circle, in congress, and the state legislatures.

they're not just happening on wildlife commissions and Sy's bullchit on the task force.

i mean just humor me for a moment, put on the tin hat, and see biden and trump as puppets of the elite. randy likes to talk about repayment of political favors a lot. and an example: who do you think is really swaying and pushing mike lee to be anti public lands in utah? is it just mike lee? do you think there happens to be potential profit involved?

who was giving DOI appointments that favored what mike lee wanted? wasn't it the trump adminstration?

do we really need the tin foil hat?
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Anyone who wants taxes on unrealized gains is someone who wants to retire poor. Because you know we'll never get refunds when the market declines; "Giving money to the wealthiest Americans".

So, you're cutting 30% out of unrealized gains, and recovering nothing from losses.
Anyone who wants taxes on unrealized gains is someone who wants to retire poor. Because you know we'll never get refunds when the market declines; "Giving money to the wealthiest Americans".

So, you're cutting 30% out of unrealized gains, and recovering nothing from losses.
Anyone might be people who will rely on a pension instead of a 401k in the stock market. You think some of the people here with a large vested government pension also have a million in the market in a 401K? Possible but highly doubtful
but i think we have to take the somewhat smaller things, like public access, trying to sue the snot out of public hunters for corner cross, commercialization of wildlife, and remember that similar things are happening in DC, in Bidens inner circle, in Trumps former inner circle, in congress, and the state legislatures.

they're not just happening on wildlife commissions and Sy's bullchit on the task force.

i mean just humor me for a moment, put on the tin hat, and see biden and trump as puppets of the elite. randy likes to talk about repayment of political favors a lot. and an example: who do you think is really swaying and pushing mike lee to be anti public lands in utah? is it just mike lee? do you think there happens to be potential profit involved?

who was giving DOI appointments that favored what mike lee wanted? wasn't it the trump adminstration?

do we really need the tin foil hat?
First off, there is not enough tin foil in this country to cover this pumpkin I have above my shoulders. Second, we have the ultimate say over who governs us. We have no say over who gets to have wealth. I'll use my influence at the ballot box. Third, since you have a more "skeptical" view of Governance than I do, do you think that increasing taxes on the wealthy will change their behavior and the behavior of our elected leaders or are the increased taxes just the price they have to pay for having so much influence?
I'm just here to get a heads up on a good Guillotine Manufacturing stock for my portfolio.
I think BBBY is considering guillotines? After the “short-squeeze” they are supposedly going to experience I am sure they will be looking for ways to branch out with their newfound liquidity

This joke brought to you by someone who enjoys looking at memes on WSB
Anyone might be people who will rely on a pension instead of a 401k in the stock market. You think some of the people here with a large vested government pension also have a million in the market in a 401K? Possible but highly doubtful
I do...tsp. 20% of my gross income for 30+ years.

What would lead you to believe a lot of gov workers aren't doing the same?

735.2 billion in assets in the tsp, largest defined contribution plan in the world. Lots of millionaires splashing around in there. Management fees are next to nothing. 6.2 million participants, 3.8 million actively participating through payroll deductions.

Plus pension, plus ss, plus rental income, plus excellent health insurance that I'll only my current portion for even when I retire.
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Anyone might be people who will rely on a pension instead of a 401k in the stock market. You think some of the people here with a large vested government pension also have a million in the market in a 401K? Possible but highly doubtful
I think you would be surprised...
I think you would be surprised...
What surprises me is is why those people would gripe that companies make a higher profit with tax cuts that results in shareholders benefitting via stock prices and dividends. Makes one skeptical
Dumb ideas have unintended consequences and always lead to more dumb ideas. What's next? A loan tax on real estate? Businesses?

Also I'm not a big fan of the banking industry, but don't care to waste my time promoting this idea just to watch the banking lobby blow it out of the water in 2 minutes. Knock yourself out if you think it's important though.
I know the bank lobby would hate it. That’s why I know it’s a good idea. 😉
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