Caribou Gear

Anti-Hunter/Anti-Bison bill up in Senate Fish and Game Tommorrow

I'm all about property rights...both in regard to private and public. Just because a bison might wander onto private once in a while is not justification for not having them on public lands. Would it be fair for me to want to keep cattle/horses/sheep off all public lands because one might get away, stray onto my private property, eat my rose bushes and shit in my yard?

I think this bill will die a rightful death...and with any luck the hunters in John Brendens district will send him packing next election.

I agree with this. And I think the bill will get killed, as well it should. I am not sold on the bison idea, but I could be very easily persuaded with a good plan. This piece of legislation is horses**t though, and could have far reaching impacts if passed.

It just makes no sense to me, to turn 25 bison loose on 2500 acres, and then shoot them when they don't stay there. If this is the type of plan we are following, we need to go back to the drawing board.

You really flatter yourself...

"Hunters" are the most complacent interest group I've ever seen in my life...

They have a nice long history of complaining about everything, but an equally long history of doing nothing about it...not even taking the time to comment on crap legislation that will harm what they claim is so important to them. This issue is a case in point...whether or not you believe bison are viable on Montanas landscape is immaterial to the threat this legislation carries. Again, a classic case of bringing up problems...and not even attempting to explore the options. Evidenced by your "c-130 d-day invasion"...thats some fantastic thinking there.

Go to any MTFWP open house, meeting, etc. and take a look around at how few people show up. Considering 140,000 people in Montana purchase elk tags in would think you get more than a couple dozen people to show up at a meeting? Yes?

Also pay attention that for the most part, the faces in those meetings rarely change...same people doing all the work.
"Hunters" are the most complacent interest group I've ever seen in my life...

They have a nice long history of complaining about everything, but an equally long history of doing nothing about it...not even taking the time to comment on crap legislation that will harm what they claim is so important to them.

Also pay attention that for the most part, the faces in those meetings rarely change...same people doing all the work.

I agree 100% with you on that one...not sure that was the point of contention here?
So does that mean you called and/or wrote your representatives to can this crap legislation?
...It's whether or not we should get to discuss any type of solutions. Taking away the chance at somebody coming up with great solutions is wrong. Unless of course your threatened by Bison perhaps replacing livestock in some fashion.
Getting right to the core - I think this best sums up the thread, least for myself.