Another one bites the dust

pa mt man

New member
Feb 3, 2002
My daughter asked if she could have one of my hunting rifles yesterday. Not to hunt with, she quit years ago,but in case a dangerous animal gets out at zoo where she works. I gave her my main hunting rifle. Bought it 40 years ago from monkey wards.

I have been kicking it around for a few years now. Giving up hunting after 45 years.:( Both my sons quit. Both daughters. My brother and four of his daughters. My buddy and his son. A bunch of other hunting buddys. All of the guys that got me started are dead. All the relatives from my wife's side are dead and the hunting camps sold.

I went to Colorado with a different group of fellows this year. Good guys but I miss our bunch.

Will still come here to read about hunting adventures from some great hunters. I shot all the critters I'm going to shot.

Now comes the hard part. I got over another 50 guns to pass out without hurting feelings.
Sorry to hear about the loss of hunting pals. Even though the family has given it up; I imagine the memories will endure.

So . . . what guns do you need to get rid of? ;):D
That's freaking crazy talk.

But just in case, you wouldn't hurt my feelings by giving me a rifle:D
My daughter asked if she could have one of my hunting rifles yesterday. Not to hunt with, she quit years ago,but in case a dangerous animal gets out at zoo where she works. I gave her my main hunting rifle. Bought it 40 years ago from monkey wards.

I have been kicking it around for a few years now. Giving up hunting after 45 years.:( Both my sons quit. Both daughters. My brother and four of his daughters. My buddy and his son. A bunch of other hunting buddys. All of the guys that got me started are dead. All the relatives from my wife's side are dead and the hunting camps sold.

I went to Colorado with a different group of fellows this year. Good guys but I miss our bunch.

Will still come here to read about hunting adventures from some great hunters. I shot all the critters I'm going to shot.

Now comes the hard part. I got over another 50 guns to pass out without hurting feelings.

You sir sound like my dad to a point. He have up hunting last year at the age of 92, but only because he is no longer with us. My brother and I now have some of the things that gave him so much pleasure in his life. Last fall was one of my brother and I's lowest point in our life when dad wasn't there with us to impart his gentle wisdom and his slow humor which made a hunt a hunt.
Well I hope that you will get out in someway to enjoy the outdoors.

I was not able to do anything outdoors this past fall and it is looking like the spring will be the same.:(: But if I still had the chance I would not have went because I would have had to go alone and I don't like that much.
I hope that day never happens for me, but reality says it will. I, like you, will have lots of gifts to give out once I am done. Do not give up hunting all together, just do it in a differnt way. Sell some of your guns and buy a nice camera & shoot the game in a different way. The outdoors recharges me batteries and it seems to me it did yours for years. Remember, Life's a Dance and just because you can't Jitterbug does not mean you can't Slow dance. It' a little more at your pace, but its still dancing. Take care & God Bless.
At Mom's request,

A couple of Christmas's ago, when all the brothers (didn't have any sisters) were togather, we Pow-Wow'd and hammered out who was going to get what from Dad's collection. He's on the edge of slipping past 'Some-Timers' to ...well.... it was Great knowing ya Dad.

Standing out in the garage, 4 degrees, knocking down a 12 pack, we divied up. It went kinda like this...

I got the Rem 600 and 'The Marshall' got the M1 carbine , so those are off the plate....everything else up to who best deserrves that weapon.

Who's getting the Rem .22 ?

Dad gave that to Big Mac 5 years ago.

What about the Savage ?

Well, he bught for Mom, so why don't we pass it to Jen ? (1st Grad-daughter)



Big Mac already got one, Jeff'ers was the next boy.

Sure, why not, sounds good.

Parker-Hale ? Gunner you want that one ?

Nahh.....Never was an '06 fan. I hunt, don't want nor need a Trophy looking shiny rifle.

Coach, You?


Popeye? Ummm' Ok

The Feather-weight?

I don't want it.

Not No, but Hell NO

NO, NO, NO, NO ! Ya'all %itch about the 600 kicking like a bank mule, that Feather-weight is Brutal !

Sell it ?




It took about an hour, a 12 pack, and hand shakes all around, but we all walked away agreed in decision.
Nothing in the Will to be dealt with, No hard feelings, No crying.

Then we all went in and had an Honest talk with Dad. That was alot harder......
Will still come here to read about hunting adventures from some great hunters. I shot all the critters I'm going to shot.

I feel your pain. My grandfather died just after killing a 3x3 whitetail, 6 of 7 uncles now gone, my father is 96 and can't get out any more. Did get him out for a turkey hunt a couple of years ago. My son either doesn't care for it or is too busy, so my grandson gets no opportunity to go; distance and 12 months of sports, etc. That leaves my one remaining uncle at 83, a close cousin, a brother and a few nephews and myself to carry the torch for what was in my youth an extended family of over 100 hunters and outdoorsmen. The cabins sold, the leases given up, the farms divided to undeserving descendants.
One of our native sons; Thomas Wolfe, once wrote that "you can never go home again", meaning that things are never as you remember them. A more poignant statement was never made, but you can continue to go with the existing hunting circle you now have. Relive the past through stories; write them down for those to follow, keep the heater going and be the camp cook, but get out there and just don't let it die. Killing of the game is secondary to the hunt. Keep the torch lit and maybe you'll find someone to hand it off to.
I lied.:( Found out I still had some points in Colorado and I just applied for a Colorado elk license. The guns are all gone but I have already made arrangements to borrow back the 300 weatherby. Its still a virgin. I still have all my other gear.

When I found out I still had points (my sons do too) I ask them to go hunting. They said no,like I thought they would, but would be glad to come along and pack me in and whatever I get out. Cant pass that up.
I gave my new son in law my father in laws 7600- 30 06 and he went deer hunting here in pa for the first time last year. He wants to come. I'm going to apply him for a cow license in the unit. He said he would come even if he doesn't draw and help pack gear too.
I have let myself go and have gained 20 lbs since last year but now that I have three young bucks to do the work I feel like I'm going on an elk safari so I will not need to do any of that over 40 mountain fitness stuff.:)
I lied.:( Found out I still had some points in Colorado and I just applied for a Colorado elk license. The guns are all gone but I have already made arrangements to borrow back the 300 weatherby. Its still a virgin. I still have all my other gear.

When I found out I still had points (my sons do too) I ask them to go hunting. They said no,like I thought they would, but would be glad to come along and pack me in and whatever I get out. Cant pass that up.
I gave my new son in law my father in laws 7600- 30 06 and he went deer hunting here in pa for the first time last year. He wants to come. I'm going to apply him for a cow license in the unit. He said he would come even if he doesn't draw and help pack gear too.
I have let myself go and have gained 20 lbs since last year but now that I have three young bucks to do the work I feel like I'm going on an elk safari so I will not need to do any of that over 40 mountain fitness stuff.:)

Heck yeah, Now you can shoot one in a nasty canyon!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL John
pa mt man.

I feel your pain. Each year I have to decide if I will hunt one more year, Actually, apply for a license 1 more year. I cannot draw a tag. I am only 59 this year, but have a completely nonfunctional knee. Not yet ready for a replacement and not sure I would take a replacement knee into the mountains.

Like a fool I am; I still apply each year. Apply resident NM license only. Just sent in my applications for deer, antelope, elk and oryx. I still get a high from the anticipation of drawing that special tag. I also buy raffle tickets for the Valles Caldera (the old Baca) and the governors tag for elk. Who knows. when I finally draw a tag, it might be the best one!
I just talked to my brother and he is coming. My late secretary's son says he is going to come. They both have points so they will draw. I'M happier than a pig in chit.:D I'll take lot's of pics since this is my last hunt and I'm not lying.:)
I lied. Found out I still had some points in Colorado and I just applied for a Colorado elk license

...attaboy pa mt, but giving away 50 guns is an outlandish excuse to buy another rifle though.:D
hey bobbydean, i am 57 and had a hip done a little over a year ago, wasnt sure about having it done. it was the best dession i made. i would encourage you to do your knee. i think the recoup time is a little more. but will be worth it. you are to young to be that old. good luck

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