2023 wheels up in 5,4,3,2,1....

YES exactly!! If you're into long but mellow rides (I'm a mediocre surfer at best) check out Imsuoane in Morocco. Point break nicknamed the "spliff wave" because you can allegedly roll a joint and smoke it for the length of the ride!
I've got a small little savings fund to hopefully get down there in the next year or two. Those looooong left point breaks on the Peruvian coast are dreamy. I'm goofy footed, and most of the good points in the world go right. A sad reality for me. Have a blast down there!
Leaving tomorrow to start trying to fill my wife’s Nebraska cow tag, also scouting for a bull for my sister in law. I only have 1 trip planned for me, taking my bow for a walk in Colorado mid September. It’ll be my year to guide and help, this is my sons first year with a deer tag so I’ll help him and my wife.
Sept and as able - sharptails and chickens

Oct - pheasant, then elk

Nov - elk and rifle/archery deer

Dec/Jan - late season pheasant

Feb - squirrels :)

Nothing too exciting, but can’t wait for the adventures!
I feel really disorganized looking at how far out people plan things, for me right now virtually everything is floating:
CO archery deer tag in the unit I live in, been "scouting" most days if you can call trail running that... at least this is one I currently have in pocket...

Archery elk somewhere if I can get lucky and get a tag outside of CO, odds of that are feeling slim at this point but still a few possibilities, if I get a tag trip will be finalized probably less than 24 hours prior to departure...If I fail at this I'll probably go rock climbing in WY...

I bought a Utah "Any Bull" tag last week as a backup if I fail to get an archery tag, I'll hunt that regardless, however, if I have a decent bull from archery that will turn into a trophy hunt with minimal motivation to pull the trigger, otherwise I'll be fairly low with my standards on that one, It really isn't a tag anyone but locals should be buying but I have an elk problem...

After that I'm playing the CO turned-in tag list down to the wire, I'll end up with something with some luck, otherwise, it's probably 2nd season OTC...

Spain or Patagonia climbing in Feb. depending on the weather...

thank god I have a flexible job...
We still have half a freezer full of meat from last year, it's amazing how much less we eat with the oldest kid off at college. I'll for sure hike many miles hunting elk and deer, but I don't know if my heart will be in the killing part. That's okay.
Dates to be determined…

MT Gen Elk Combo. Best friend wants to do archery, which he’s done before, a lot, but I’m hesitant because I don’t feel comfortable with my proficiency with a bow. I’m gonna tag along what I can

I’m in for the rifle season and hopefully bringing horses. A new tactic I’ve never tried but I hope it helps. Should be a great hunt.

Cow tag for Wyoming in a unit I’ve been in a couple times. Hopefully the familiarity helps me out.

T minus I’m not sure how many days, but hunting season is upon us. Good luck all and I hope for a great bounty to add to my freezer.
sept 2-4 MT elk hunting
sept 6-10 alaska fishing trip with BIL, not sure exactly what all we're fishing for, i think halibut...
sept 15-17 chasing elk - follow up on first weekend plans
sept 21-24 chasing elk and/or MOOSE
sept 30- oct 3 - idaho rifle elk hunt
oct 6 - last chance elk hunt either idaho or MT
oct 7-9 MT moose hunt
oct 12-15 - MT moose hunt still
oct 21-22 - kids deer hunt
oct 25-29 - Mt moose or ID moose w/ different buddy, or other plans.
Nov. - find a muley buck, ease back into the real world

I think these dates are planned as worst case. ideally we're done hunting MT elk by the 21st and can start scouting/hunting for my buddy's MT moose. Idaho, i'm confident in finding a 6-pt bull in 3 hunting days, but here's what will most likely happen -
sept 2-4 MT elk hunting "didn't see anything but it's ok, we have plenty of time"
sept 6-10 alaska fishing trip with BIL, regret signing up and just daydream about elk/moose
sept 15-17 chasing elk beating my head against a tree feeling the pressure...
sept 21-24 pure panic get overly aggressive screw everything up
sept 30- oct 3 - idaho rifle elk hunt - see nothing curl into a ball and cry
oct 6 - work
oct 7-9 MT moose hunt while thinking about going to idaho
oct 12-15 - MT moose hunt still stop buddy from shooting a 2yo bull
oct 21-22 - kids deer hunt turns to chaos, get out to forsyth and girls decide they don't want to kill any deeries. buddy kills aforementioned 2you bull moose, antelope party all kill monster antelope
oct 25-29 - run through the pumkin patch ducking bullets trying to panic find elk miss out on other buddies idaho moose hunt because i need meat in the freezer
Nov. - get on anti-depressants to cope with the shit-show season.
called in a bull for my buddy opening day. lifelong montanan (and hunter) finally got his first bull ever. one box checked. onto AK tomorrow! Also, my dates for the kids hunt was wrong. can't believe no one scolded me for that. Oct 19-20 is the youth hunt. two more days to hunt!
I’m sitting on the couch till Nov.
I have Nov 3rd - 25th off work ,
My brother is flying up from NM on the 8-12 just to hang out , we haven’t seen each other since he retired from the military 4 years ago , I probably go out for a few days before he lands , but if not , I’ll get real serious about my whitetail starting 13 November

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