2023 wheels up in 5,4,3,2,1....

No. She only has time for one hunt.
Well if you have time...there is a guy with a tag where you could easily tag along by just getting a flight to Kodiak and you would probably have a pretty darn good chance at filling that deer itch you got as well!
Life of a Montanan: archery elk on public every weekend through September, planning on taking some work days off later in the month if I can't get it done the first couple weekends. Avoid pesky September weddings if I can. The sooner I fill that tag, the sooner I get to start fly fishing again. Then (fingers crossed I draw) rifle antelope through October. Avoid opening day crowds at all costs, hopefully by doing some processing, then chase deer through November. Maybe walk around for upland birds in December if I'm still itching, but more likely wax up the skis and get ready for another year.
my wheels are staying firmly on the ground

wheels on the pavement labor day weekend for wyoming general archery elk... and on the pavement every weekend after that plus some week days.

most likely on the pavement again for general elk rifle opener in wyoming...

wheels on the pavement again to drive to wisconsin first week of november for archery white tail

wheels again on the pavement day before thanksgiving and the days after to go try and fill a local mule deer buck tag
Wife and I just bought new house so our only out state trip this year is:

Colorado Archery Mule deer and Elk
Sept 16th to Sept 30th.
We each have tags for both..
First week of October I leave Virginia driving to New Mexico taking my young nephew along for his first Western experience. We will stop in my antelope unit and have a day to smoke an antelope with the rifle. Then we head down for four days of muzzy elk season in a great unit. Can't wait until he has that first bull in his face bugling.

Then in November jumping on the plane back to New Mexico to rifle hunt a decent desert mulie tag for a week.

After that back home for the seasons in Virginia. I will probably at some point dove hunt, squirrel hunt, bear hunt and deer hunt here. And if I'm lucky draw a tundra swan permit.

Should be a great fall all together and I'm excited.
August 29th I start my 22 hours of driving north into British Columbia for my mountain goat/black bear hunt I won. Spend ten days up there. Get home and bow hunt around home for a month or so. Start killing coyotes end of October. Brother in law drew a solid mule deer tag in North Dakota so I will spend their rifle season helping him. Have two cow tags to fill just before or after that
I’m going speed goat scouting every weekend (minus one family camping trip) from now until opening weekend end of September. Then I’ll concentrate on getting my tag punched over then next two weekends before my FIL shows up on October 12th.

We drew a party tag so we’ll concentrate on getting him a pronghorn the 13th, 14th, and 15th, then head to our elk unit for our rifle elk tags. I’ve got 10/13 to 10/22 off from work. If we both haven’t tagged an elk he’ll stay and hunt until season ends on 10/31 with me being on call to pack out.

After that is all done a buddy has an elk tag in my area that opens 11/1, so weekends will be spent glassing with him. If he should get done early we’ll motor south to do some glassing for muley-tails in the same unit my antelope tag is in for another friend who drew a holy grail deer tag.

After that’s all said and done I might try and do some deer hunting, or will just go hit the Clearwater for some steelhead.

All in all, it’s going to be a great fall.
For the first time in decades, I don’t have a western hunt of any type planned. Some family illnesses are keeping me close to home this year. Whitetails and Waterfowl in Vt. and NY. Walleyes in Quebec next week and again in mid September. Actually looking forward to taking my time with whitetails in these two states. Seems like I’m always rushing to fill tags because I’m headed west somewhere. Rifle, muzzle loader, and archery (actually one of those damn crossbows).
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