Annoying Yard Bucks Anyone?

Okay. I finally took the fences down from the 6 aspens i planted several years ago and a buck shredded the hell out of 4 of them. Thats certainly annoying.
Anyway, without getting into my reasons, i decided to skip deer season in my home state this year, just focus on lion hunting. No intention of going deer hunting.
The other day at home dealing with b.s. i stepped out onto my back porch and heard a bunch of grunting in the timber right behind my house. Hmm..... came back inside, opened my window and got my bow out just incase. Pet doe was in the yard and this guy came out swingin, going after my doe. He stopped at the timber line maybe 15 yards from my living room window. I let him have it. Definitely not hunting by any means, but i guess it beats a year without venison, and no tough packout to deal with.
I like to think hes the one that destroyed my aspens.
Damn annoying yard bucks.20201201_142543_copy_800x450_1.jpg
They are kind of hard to see in this picture, but we have a few bucks hanging around our neighborhood. I was unloading some boxes from the back of the truck on Sunday and these two were just standing in my yard (pretty sure they were eyeing my roses). By the time I got my phone out, they were taking off. FrontYardDeer 7.2021.jpeg

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