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And…we are off!

I don't kiss and tell.

But I will say once a mouse crawled in to my waders and died. Nothing like jamming your foot in to a rotting ,putrid glob. Think I might have hurled.
the kids’ cat likes to leave mice on the doormat and I like to walk outside barefoot first thing in the morning. I’m a slow learner.
This hunt is so serious I broke down and joined the croc club. I feel like I’ve lost a piece of my dignity. I couldn’t bring myself to spend $50 on a pair of plastic slip on shoes so I opted for the Wally World ones at $12.95. I also upgraded my previous Wal Mart softshell coat that has been to Alaska 3 times for a new Wal mart softshell. Price gouging and inflation have raised the price of the Softshell from $24.99 to $69.99.

We are boarded in Seattle.

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I had to zoom WAYYYYY IN man… I legit thought you spent the $12.95 on duct tape and did like we used to make the wallets back in the day…
Pizza and beer for dinner.
At the liquor store 3 guys in full kuiu get ups were arguing about who was going to buy a 30 rack of Busch light. They were the camo cans so maybe they didn’t want to be seen with a camo pattern not in their kit?

We didn’t have rooms for tonight since we thought we’d be out. The best western was full so we had to move out by the airport. It’s loud. Coast Guard helos coming and going. Hopefully all is ok.

Best to everyone's hunt! Speaking of hunt... whats everyone hunting? Regardless, following. The play by play is great!
The kids get on the bus at 7:15 central time so I try to FaceTime them at 4:15 AK time when we are in town before they get on the bus.

My brother is an Ak resident. My dad drew the only Nr brown bear tag for the area we are in. We each have deer a deer tag and shotguns for ducks and ptarmigan. Crab pots and fishing poles are somewhere in that mess as well.

It’s going to take 2 flights on a beaver with 1200lbs of payload to get all of our crap out there. Yesterday was a sunny beautiful day but the area we are going to is open to the northwest. The wind was blowing at 30 knots straight down the length of our bay so it was a nice day except the wind direction was bad for us. A lot of other hunters got into the field. Bear season opens tomorrow so we are hopeful we will get out today. The forecast today is drizzle, light winds out of the east and 2 miles of visibility. We are supposed to meet at the float dock at 8:30, sunrise is at 9:10 this morning.

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