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Reagan airport crash 1/29/25

Man, I hope that isn't true (and haven't seen any reputable confirmation of it). She joined the military as a plain-jane white man, so not a DEI hire, and anyone with two functioning brain cells to rub together can tell that gender had nothing to do with this, but the already horrific national dialogue is just going to get worse if people can try to pin this on trans people.

That would be the short sided view. Much more concerning for the industry is an intentional act versus an accident, and I would guess it would greatly change how family members process the loss.

We all know about 9525 and have heard of recent close calls in the cockpit. Mental health is the elephant in the room for aviation. Do you treat pilots and let them fly or encourage them to lie to their ME and continue to fly. I think we are all less forthcoming with our AME than we would be with our regular doc. I mean, when I tell my AME I drink occasionally on social occasions, I mean like a fuggin fish.

I am in no way saying or guessing or implying that is the case here. Just what we all know is possible any day and no one wants to talk about it or address it. At least in the last few years the FAA has encourage pilots to seek help by allowing a few antidepressants on the allowed drug list.
My father got his first flying lesson in an open cockpit Pietenpol Aircamper in 1943, then got his private pilots license in high school. After college, he went on to the air force and through fighter training, then flew the backcountry here in Montana, and eventually got hired by TWA, and flew everything from the DC3 and Connies through the 747 where he retired left seat after 33 years, and over 24,000 hours. He has pretty much seen it all.

When it comes to air disasters (of which he has seen many, and to which he has lost friends and colleagues) his standard answer is; "the media never gets anything aviation related correct, and it's foolish to assume you can guess what happened - the FAA will eventually figure it out." He turns 96 years old next month...
My dad flew a single engine Cessna for the Indiana State Police for 15 years.

One Uncle is retired from Delta after 35 years.

Other uncle was a crop duster for the USDA.

Cousin currently flies helos and fixed wings for Texas Highway Patrol.

No point, just have family in the aviation industry and thinking about the families that lost loved ones.
The hunters were all members of the 602 welders union. My son worked with a couple of the guys. I called him to talk about it and for once I told him I'm was so glad he didn't hunt. One of his forman's work with all the guys.
Something my brother and I discussed over the phone yesterday is that the military is putting civilian lives on the line, in the process of their training. I don't know how to think about that fully. On some level, people should be be made aware that the flights into Reagan include flying in close proximity to military operations. I guess, it is kinda common knowledge presently.

I suspect that this accident will cause many things to be reviewed, to make certain they are needed, given obvious chance of a collision.
I've flown in to Regan more times then I care to remember. The pilot is putting on the breaks 3 miles out and I watch my grandparents house go by the window. The crashes there are so horrific. I just crossed the river and was less than 500 yards from the bridge when the Air Florida jet crashed into it and into the river in 82. I could never figure out why an airport was planted at that location. Dulles is just down the road .