Caribou Gear

American Prairie - 88,000 acres of access

Not a spreader of misinformation on the internet as per others perception.
Exactly why you refuse to provide factual information as per your claim, "I know more & different information than you do". Likely it's because you do NOT know more and different.
You apparently are spouting unsupportable statements because that "garbage is just for fun".
Great pics and great stories. Memories for a lifetime! Thank you for sharing. Sincerely!

It is unfortunate and certainly within your standard commenting mode history to attack others that don’t believe the same as you do. Just because you yell the loudest or call the person names doesn’t mean you are better, more right, less right or anything other than a person yelling.

To say, “you don’t know what you’re talking about” is really telling and actually makes the point for me. I have all of the same information as you do, I read it different, see it different, analyze it different, even speculate the future of it differently. Perspective and the differences in those perspectives are where people that yell loose their effectiveness in the room.

To your comment,” ……if you did, you would be plastering it all over the internet”. You don’t know what you assume and speak. That’s all-

Sincerely, I enjoyed the pics and the back stories, thank you! Those are the heart of what keep me coming back to Hunt talk.

This other garbage is just for fun 😉.
I agree it’s ok to disagree.

I’m curious on your thoughts of the Turner ranch?

I find similarities between Turners and the AP from a conservation standpoint point.
No, 'wasn't even alluding to your position regarding AP. Your ambiguous sentences seemed to think you believe "roaming" bison are a problem.
If that "mark" was missed, it was due to misunderstanding your short statement, "Till breeding season those bulls will go roam".
I think you just like finding arguments with everyone, pal. But I can appreciate your passion. We agree and disagree on many things and I appreciate seeing your opinions. I’ve had to take it down a notch. You can too! 🤪
I think you just like finding arguments with everyone, pal. But I can appreciate your passion. We agree and disagree on many things and I appreciate seeing your opinions. I’ve had to take it down a notch. You can too! 🤪
Nope, I do pick my arguments. It's just at this chronologically challenged juncture, I have learned and experienced a bunch about AP, Flying D Ranch, public lands, Montana history, hunting legacy, Montana places, and such. So if I have the knowledge to impart factual info or support a valid opinion.... Yes, I do have the "passion" to express.
Example which may have initially ruffled your feathers was in response to your allegation about Flying D hazing wildlife with helicopters. It never happened! So I was not about to let that BS stand.
But thank-you for following my nonsense and responding. I do apologize for offending your flatbrim countenance ... but not for correcting an inaccurate assertion.

Based on the your number of posts relative to your HT join date versus my number of posts relative to my HT join date ... I'd say maybe you should take it down a notch and listen and learn ... rather than responding to every thread. But I do support and respect your right to do so. Just don't tread falsely on stuff I know about ... which is limited though.
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I agree it’s ok to disagree.

I’m curious on your thoughts of the Turner ranch?

I find similarities between Turners and the AP from a conservation standpoint point.

I live close to Turners ranch.

From a conservation standpoint I appreciate them both.

As a matter of ownership preference and access, I would prefer that American Prairie would own the Flying D.

But, I far,far,far prefer what Ted has done with the Flying D than for it to be chunked up and developed like Big Sky and much of the rest of Gallatin Valley.

And I can say with 100% certainty that except for Ted or a similar conservation minded owner or non-profit putting the Flying D into a non-development conservation easement all that land would become housing and a huge chunk of winter range and wildlife habitat would be lost.
Walk across access over private land to reach public.

To be clear I am not hating on Turner’s ownership.
Agree. Basically I raise the question to Raisin Bran because the idea seems the same to me. One private ownership for conservation and the other a coalition of philanthropists for conservation. So I just don’t see the difference other than that. I would like to hear Raisin Brans view of the difference he maybe have heard.
Walk across access over private land to reach public.

To be clear I am not hating on Turner’s ownership.
I would add that there are hunting opportunities on AP land. You can hunt The Flying D, but it will cost you big bucks.

Much of the AP is also open for recreation. They encourage people to do so.
Not familiar with the logistics. Does Turner deny access to public lands? mtmuley

Access across Flying D from specific points that have road easements.

My understanding is that AP allows walk across access to hunt public on most if not all of its properties. Those walking across may not hunt AP property without permission if it’s a place that restricts hunting but they can still cross AP to hunt public
Not familiar with the logistics. Does Turner deny access to public lands? mtmuley
There are USFS built and maintained trails which are on the southern edge of the Flying D, but which Turner allows trail traffic with no problems as long as travellers stay on trails.
A Gallatin County gravel road winds along Spanish Creek through the Flying D Ranch up to a juncture where (oddly) a paved road then extends over a pass and then down to USFS lands and the well used Spanish Peaks Trailhead. The entire approx ten miles of road is on Flying D property and is travelled by the public. It's a great place to cruise along and watch bison, elk, deer, moose, coyotes and sometimes wolves. It's also a road where we often took grandkids to bike, hike, and ski.

The Spanish Peaks Trailhead is the most popular and prominent entry into the many trails, waterfalls, and lakes of the Spanish Peaks Wilderness Area. It is accessed only through the Flying D.
Check it out on your ONX.
Thanks to the people with contributed to this thread I’ve learned quite a fair amount. I was always under the assumption turners was locked up tight
Nope, I do pick my arguments. It's just at this chronologically challenged juncture, I have learned and experienced a bunch about AP, Flying D Ranch, public lands, Montana history, hunting legacy, Montana places, and such. So if I have the knowledge to impart factual info or support a valid opinion. Yes, I do have the "passion" to express.
Example which may have initially ruffled your feathers was in response to your allegation about Flying D hazing wildlife with helicopters. It never happened! So I was not about to let that BS stand.
But thank-you for following my nonsense and responding. I do apologize for offending your flatbrim countenance ... but not for correcting an inaccurate assertion.

Based on the your number of posts relative to your HT join date versus my number of posts relative to my HT join date ... I'd say maybe you should take it down a notch and listen and learn ... rather than responding to every thread. But I do support and respect your right to do so. Just don't tread falsely on stuff I know about ... which is limited though.
it happened to ME right across the highway on private land 😂😂

Don’t worry, you can’t hurt my feelings Grandpa!

I support AP