Alert! Az Hunters! Alert!

Good comeback Guppie, funny but i don`t have a clue.:D

Moosie I wanted to give a detailed story, you know I can`t type, and i don`t have "Moosie energy"....but I aint lying... right now i have to stick a broom up my ass just to sweep the floor!hump

But anyway this will most likely be my last post until after the election, I have a few other examples [ my mother inlaw works the draw for AZ G&F]:eek:

If J.D. Hayworth loses i`m going back to drinking.

Everyone have a great weekend.:)
In regards to the printing of the regs in Spanish. It's not a waste of tax dollars it's more a waste of sportsman's dollars since they fund the better part of the G&F budget. Average AZ tax payers don't contribute a dime to the Department. But they feel they have all the say in the world about how it should operate. Having several of the largest anti hunting organizations call your state their home isn't all it's cracked up to be. Something few of the northwest and midwest states have to battle. Do a google on Sabino Mt. Lions and see what you get in case you think I'm blowing smoke.

I use to not get it... It took a few years after moving to AZ from Michigan but I get it loud and clear now. After traveling a bit for work and having discussions with other hunters and folks outside my state about immigration over the past 10 years it's been funny. Only two other states did I find folks that understood life as a border state. Texas and Florida. For example while sitting in a bar eating dinner in Orlando I was talking about hunting with a few guys that were in my training class when I brought up illegal traffic. The guys I was speaking with in this case were from ID, Iowa, PA, WI and AL. They didn't see any problems with illegals or trafficking of any sorts. Now clue of what was going on when I asked them. One said he caught something on CNN but that was it. Sure it wasn't in their back yards. They thought I was just 'paranoid' or blowing things out of proportion. For a laugh I then asked the bar tender how the Cuban thing is working out with Flordia... He laughed his a$$ off as he was listening to my stories thinking the same thing I was that folks don't get it. He chimed in that after years of meeting folks from out of state he too sees that few other state get whats going on with their invasions. Ya CNN and Fox News covers it every now and then but when the news folks leave the problem isn't over. The flood still takes place. Folks in Boston don't have a clue what happens at the border in AZ, CA, NM and TX. Why? I feel because they don't see it like we see it on such a regular basis. Only in the 10 o'clock news.

So by now some of ya got to say... here's another resident hunter just miffed at the world. Pissed off racists most likely. Uh.. no not really. Take a gander at this picture for a second... brought me to tears when I walked over the ridge to see it in person. Prime deer, javelina, and quail habitat ruined.


There are dozens of sites like this in Southern AZ. I have yet to walk a wash where I didn't see a back pack, blackened water jug or can of beans left from a human crossing through our forest illegally.

If I be so bold to ask... How many of you folks outside of AZ or any other border state have seen this happen to your local hunting grounds?

To me it's not a race thing at all. I don't care what race is doing it. We have laws against it and they need to be enforced. Again folks sitting in their cushy tree stands or blinds in some midwest state don't really care what happens to our local hunting grounds, do they? At least that's the sentiment I've gotten over my past 10 years of travels and discussions with hundreds of out of state hunters.

Now I'm just rambling with no point but to bitch... I'm done.

An illegal who worked at my company before I bought it got caught shooting two deer out of season and he is now back in Mexico for a while. I have talked to illegals who don't understand why they can't kill animals if they see them and gillnet the lakes for bass. I doubt many would ever try to buy a tag for fear of getting busted but a whole shitload get to hunt elk and deer every year.
That is disturbing. What area was that taken? Nogales? Sasabee?
BTW... I got to get something else off my chest...

The pic in the clean up that really torques me... the SCI banner. "Because we care" Really... cuz if ya did you'd put forth some actual effort towards hunting rights in the USA, let alone the state your headquarters calls home... I refer back to the Sabino Mt. Lion ordeal... Where was SCI on that one... Cat got your tongue during that time?

Worthless organization in regards to supporting hunting rights in the USA if ya ask me. Sure 'take a senator hunting'... whoopie... now do something productive. Actually defend our rights! The NRA isn't that much far behind either....

again... done as I'm back to just a bitch session and personally don't care for that type of posting anyways. Sorry to break my own rules.
Still to be printed in Spanish?

So now that AZ passed a measure to make English the official language, will this still be allowed to happen?
schmalts- I think it means there will no longer be illegal immigration, the mess at the border will be cleaned up, no more poaching, and people will no longer speak spanish or break the law...Who knew this would end all of AZ's problems. All this time they just needed an official language...
WH- What direction is it a step toward? Who benefits from english only or an official language? For some reason I've been under the misconception that conservatives want to see SMALLER government with LESS control...How does this a) Protect anyone or b) solve any existing problem?
Hopefully it will mean the government doesn't have to print everything in Spanish. If they want to come here and live here, they can learn the language. As Guppie said, why is it that everything is printed in Spanish and English, but not Swedish, Chinese, Japanese, German, French, etc? Isn't that discrimination?
MattK said:
schmalts- I think it means there will no longer be illegal immigration, the mess at the border will be cleaned up, no more poaching, and people will no longer speak spanish or break the law...Who knew this would end all of AZ's problems. All this time they just needed an official language...
Man you are confused. When i said will this still be allowed to happen i was referring to the regs in spanish
Good news /Bad news

Good news Our "english only" proposition passed overwhelmingly...This mandates that "ALL" state government documents shall be printed in english.:) hump

Bad news/ we still have a liberal governor[ bull dyke] and a liberal [homo] att. general.:BLEEP:

We also are in danger of losing a great american J.D. Hayworth... who was a force against the pro-illegal crowd... our liberal no -illegal left behind rag called the republic newspaper..[ freaking bleeding left wing piece of trash!] came out against all of the conservatives and "strongly urged" all of it readers to vote against Hayworth/Munsil..etc..:BLEEP: :BLEEP:

We are clearly the stupidest state in the union... gullible , Californicated. and uninformed, controlled by Idiots... SAD,SAD, day for Arizona.:BLEEP: :BLEEP: :BLEEP: |oo
cjcj- Just wondering, on the ballot for the English only initiative did it say what the savings would be. In Montana, the ballot explains what the cost/ savings in revenue or the effect it will have on the state (estimated).

Schmalts, I understood what you were saying. I was being sarcastic on the effect English only will have.

WH- I'll ask again "What direction is it a step toward? Who benefits from english only or an official language? For some reason I've been under the misconception that conservatives want to see SMALLER government with LESS control...How does this a) Protect anyone or b) solve any existing problem?"
Washington Hunter said:
How does printing everything in Spanish solve any existing problems??? How come the hunting regs aren't printed in Chinese as well???

Or german, Hmong, japanese, french, italian, native American as well. Wouldnt that be descrimintation?
MattK said:
cjcj- Just wondering, on the ballot for the English only initiative did it say what the savings would be. In Montana, the ballot explains what the cost/ savings in revenue or the effect it will have on the state (estimated).

No Matt it didn`t... but I`m sure its in the millionshump ...If you have been to AZ you would know what i mean... :BLEEP: everything is printed in :BLEEP: spanish!:BLEEP:
cjcj- Has any group come out stating the cost savings? I would think if it were in the millions, that would be touted as a strong selling point. I'm curious what the savings will truly be. It seems to me more ink isn't used for one set of regulations versus another. As quick as computers are, you would think it wouldn't take a lot more time either. As far as hunting regualtions, it doesn't bother me that Montana prints Spanish regulations. I wish they would print regulations in a lot of languages, at least that would get rid of the "I didn't understand because I don't English" excuse.
WH- Printing in Spanish has absolutely no effect on any existing problems. That's my point. The only thing it may do is allow for some people who know only spanish be able to read the regulations if they so choose. At least the regulations would be out there as well as all other services available to people. It's really tough to follow the law when you don't know it and can't find out what it means. Now please answer the following...

I'll ask again "What direction is it a step toward? Who benefits from english only or an official language? For some reason I've been under the misconception that conservatives want to see SMALLER government with LESS control...How does this a) Protect anyone or b) solve any existing problem?"
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