Alert! Az Hunters! Alert!

I hate to be a smart-ass (OK, maybe I don't!), but what about illegals that speak/read English? Is it OK if they get a license/tag since they can read the regs?

Guppie = pot-stirrer :D :D
guppie9 said:
Is it OK if they get a license/tag since they can read the regs?

Of course not. Criminals should not have any rights whatsoever. Definitely not the right to hunt/fish in the United States. If they attempt to purchase a license they should be sent to jail.
I don't think there is any reason to put them in Spanish. I'd imagine an illegal would just poach like a good ol'e redneck that can't read the ones in English.
Prop. 103 - ENGLISH AS OFFICIAL LANGUAGE. Requires formal state government action to be conducted in English. Use of a language other than English is permitted in certain cases, e.g., when required by federal law, in actions to protect public health or safety and to promote or conduct tourism or international trade. Informal non-English communications or translations between government officials and the public are permitted but are considered nonbinding.

This legislation is basically worthless in dealing with F&G regulations. The proposition will allow Spanish translation in dealing with it can allow Spanish regulations if it is deemed as being a part of tourism. I wonder how many people will find and use loopholes in this proposition?
Matt do you consider "in-state" resident hunting Tourism?:confused:

But you do have a point, and it will depend on the liberal courts/att.general as to what it does/doesn`t apply

Guppi/Matt/Jose/J.B.///Question... why do you think that these 4 props[below] were placed on the Arizona ballot?|oo |oo

Prop. 100 - DENIAL OF BAIL; ILLEGAL ALIENS. Prevents those charged with serious felonies from being eligible for bail if they are in the country illegally.

Prop. 102 - PUNITIVE DAMAGES; ILLEGAL ALIENS. Blocks illegal aliens from being able to obtain punitive damages in lawsuits.

Prop. 103 - ENGLISH AS OFFICIAL LANGUAGE. Requires formal state government action to be conducted in English. Use of a language other than English is permitted in certain cases, e.g., when required by federal law, in actions to protect public health or safety and to promote or conduct tourism or international trade. Informal non-English communications or translations between government officials and the public are permitted but are considered nonbinding.

Prop. 300 - PUBLIC PROGRAMS; ILLEGAL ALIENS. Blocks illegal aliens from receiving state-subsidized programs for adult education and child care; denies illegal aliens eligibility to participate in state-run adult education classes or family literacy programs.
In Colorado, voters approved two anti-illegal measures.
That is funny that CJ is worried about the cost of the regulations in Spanish, and then he swipes a whole stack of them from Wal-Mart, stealing from the Department of Fish and Game in AZ.

Not sure I understand CJ's ethics, or lack thereof, unless one attributes his actions to racism.
HoseB, What makes you think your opinion means anything to anyone but you? You shoot out little quips and then disappear when folks throw up questions that require answers. Kind of like a car salesman. Are you a car salesman Hoser?

Who would buy a car from HoseB?

cjcj- it seems all of these propositions were made to appease the "minutemaids and their quest for the illegal immigrant". The more relevant question is What will the end result be? Does this legislation have any "bite" or is it all "bark"? Who is going to follow through with this legislation? It seems to me it's feel good legislation to shut some people up...
Matt are you serious? you think 70% of the voters including 50% of AZ hispanics are trying to "please" the minutemen?.... Matt have you ever considered that we might have a little problem with illegals in AZ?

how about, that people are "desparate" for any/some type of action/statement. because of our federal governments lack of a firm responce to the invasion crisis.

Hose B where do you see that i swiped a stack of regs?

And Yes Hoser start answering some questions, and try using some of that super intelect that you have tried to convince everyone you have [proper spelling doesn`t count]
J.B. now I know why you are on Ithaca`s ignore list.
i have never been on "the List"......yet :D

so far, i havnt seen one post that shows a possible threat that somehow Illegals could or would apply for tags because the regs being in spanish. rediculous!

poor bastards gotta sneak into the country... lie, cheat and steal so he can come up with money for equipment, just incase he is lucky enough to draw a tag in AZ.

i thought they were coming here for the fat chicks......i had no idea:confused:
Sorry J.B. my mistake.. thought for sure you were on "the list"....:cool:

Rest assured J.B. if i ever have one you will make it for sure!hump :D
Hosers opinions mean nothing. Remember in the past he said that other guys posts and opinions are more worthy becauset hey kill big animals? when is the last time you seen hoser post a picture of anything bigger than his little Pee Pee?
Well we have learned that Matt thinks the AZ voters..were trying to please the Minutemen.. How funny! absurd but very funny.:D

Hosebag thinks I go around "stealing" free G & F regs..:eek:

We also learned that Jose has E.S.P.....[extra small penis]:D :D :D
Hey CJ,

If your President, Dubya, grants all the undocumented workers his Amnesty, would you agree that hunting regs in Spanish would be a good idea?
J.B. now I know why you are on Ithaca`s ignore list

My "Ignore" list is public information (see below). JB is not on the list, yet, and there are quite a few candidates ahead of him. All HT members are eligible, but it takes extraordinary effort to actually attain list status. I strive to evaluate candidates fairly and without prejudice. Any HT member in good standing may nominate candidates. Please limit your nominations to three.:)
OK I nominate J.B:D ...Jose [but not Elkgunner]:D ...and the fry cook dude from Ohio [in case he makes a comeback]hump

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