Afraid for the next 6 months! Lets talk.

It hangs with Bluebell, but we only get two Tillamook flavors down here and a bajillion Bluebell flavors(it's made a little over an hour from here) so maybe that has something to do with it.
"It Hangs w/ Bluebell?" How Dare You, Sir! I swore I wouldn't get political on this sight, but I will make an exception for a man who speaks Gas Station Bluebell vs The Pride of Tillamook County in the same breath.
You, sir, need to seek a professional intervention. You've humiliated your people.
To anyone who wants to make Hunt Talk the place to start threads that express their political opinions or pollute other threads with political talk, you'll likely find your account doesn't work when you try to login someday.

I'm adamant that everyone vote, to the point that I give my employees election day off as a paid holiday. Yet, I'm also tired of people thinking our entire world needs to be dominated by political discussions that change nobody's mind. That's not why we host this forum. Take that shit elsewhere. People come here to get away from it and a few of you just have to make it your daily life.

We've got four months until the election. I don't have time for the bullshit, especially given how many warnings I've issued and what the rules are that people have accepted to abide by when they registered.

Accounts will be toasted without further warnings.
The next 6 months I plan to do lots of canoeing, shoot trap, run retrievers in hunt test and field trials, photograph bucks,bulls, rams, hunt Huns and Sharptails in September, hunt roosters, geese and ducks. Enjoy everday out in the field.
I know nothing about politics or ice cream...more of a milkshake man my myself.
I get whatever vanilla is on sale and add whatever local fruit is in season. Had a good blackberry milkshake last week picked from the thicket behind the cabin, peaches will be in soon.

Make Milkshakes Great Again!
I understand about the fruit, I add strawberries or peaches to the vanilla ice cream.
"It Hangs w/ Bluebell?" How Dare You, Sir! I swore I wouldn't get political on this sight, but I will make an exception for a man who speaks Gas Station Bluebell vs The Pride of Tillamook County in the same breath.
You, sir, need to seek a professional intervention. You've humiliated your people.
I said what I said! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

There are just some Bluebell flavors that are hard to beat! Birthday cake, banana pudding, blackberry cobbler, cookie two step...
What is it? High metabolism or Santa gut?
Every once in a blue moon my wife and I cycle to a favorite ice cream shop to have a scoop.

If I had the freezer with one or a few tubs of ice cream shared here... I wouldn't see my Willie while wizzing!
Ice cream is complete garbage compared to frozen custard. Get your crap together fellas. There is a reason why all the good places in the dairy state serve frozen custard instead of ice cream.

Gillies and Kopps are local small chain joints worth mentioning with Kelly's Creamery probably the best out there. Even the major chain Culvers Custard knocks out the best ice cream there is.
Reminded myself it's been awhile since I've been to Kelley's. Needed to make the well worth it detour

The other night we had cherry pie and the wife said she wanted vanilla ice-cream to go with it. So, I went down to Walmart. Umpqua is my favorite, but Tillamook was a dollar less. But then again, the Walmart brand was two dollars less than Tillamook. I thought, "It's just vanilla, how much difference can there be?" So I went with the cheap stuff. Man was I wrong! Gotta stick with the good stuff.
The other night we had cherry pie and the wife said she wanted vanilla ice-cream to go with it. So, I went down to Walmart. Umpqua is my favorite, but Tillamook was a dollar less. But then again, the Walmart brand was two dollars less than Tillamook. I thought, "It's just vanilla, how much difference can there be?" So I went with the cheap stuff. Man was I wrong! Gotta stick with the good stuff.
Never skimp on the important things!
The only fruit I like in Ice cream is a Bear Lake Raspberry. Those shakes are amazing.

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