Caribou Gear Tarp

A tip for camper trailers at remote sites.

Winterize the fresh water system and keep 5 or 6 gallons of rv antifreeze next to the latrine this will flush to -50. After the trip go home and hook a hose to the bottom of the hot water heater fill black tank and go dump. Easy peasy!
Right. Not so easy when you're done and disconnect the hose from hot water heater and all the water from hose drains out onto the floor. Get out the mop. Or maybe your hot water heater is in the attic instead of the basement?
Right. Not so easy when you're done and disconnect the hose from hot water heater and all the water from hose drains out onto the floor. Get out the mop. Or maybe your hot water heater is in the attic instead of the basement?
Everyone is just giving you a hard time.
You have been a good sport don't let us idiots get under your skin.
Everyone is just giving you a hard time.
You have been a good sport don't let us idiots get under your skin.
Not to worry. I bet there's been a run on Chinette plates by more than one closet bomb dropper anxious to try it out. Takes a few attempts to get things sighted in. Warning: Must be a wood burning stove. Do not try this with a kitchen range! Guess I should have mentioned that.
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OP: During my civil engineering program I learned 1.25 lbs is the average poop per person per day. Something tells me your group's per day average is significantly higher.
OP: During my civil engineering program I learned 1.25 lbs is the average poop per person per day. Something tells me your group's per day average is significantly higher.
I generally hunt alone and don't take the time or effort to eat much. I will usually lose ten to fifteen pounds during hunting season ... and I am never really overweight at any time of the year. It would surprise me if I crapped 1.25 lbs of poop every two days when in camp. But hey, look at the gut on the average North American these days. Only 1.25 lbs average daily poop seems a bit low to sustain that kind of overhang.
Having experienced the aroma of burning dog crap when a friend’s kids were throwing it in the backyard fire pit, I’m going to say this is a hard no. When everyone went inside, the entire house smelled like burnt shit. 🤢 Can’t imagine anything more appealing than walking around the woods all week smelling like your buddy’s burning poo.
Gives a new meaning to the phrase “something smells like ass”, ehh?
I think this was one of the better ideas posted here up to the campfire part. Don't you know the proper way to burn it is to put it on the door step of that camper that leaves the generator on all night long. THEN you light it on fire and ring the door bell and watch as he tries to stomp it out in his slippers. Ha, Ha.

Note that if it is cold enough to freeze your tank then you could just put the bags in a 5 gallon bucket outside.
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