
A tip for camper trailers at remote sites.

This is one of the best Non-hunting threads I've seen on HuntTalk in quite a while. :ROFLMAO:

This thread had me rolling with belly-laughs. Holy $hit … some good responses.

When my kids were little (and now that I'm older) ... I take a 5-gallon bucket, saw off the bottom so you have a plastic cylinder, purchase a toilet seat (that's made to fit a 5-gallon bucket) and use it. You did a hole in the dirt (away from camp), do your business, move the bucket/seat, and fill in the hole with the dirt you removed earlier. It's convenient and you can relax while reading your favorite hunting magazine :).
This is a classic... Best thread of the year so far. It reminds me of way back when, like 18ish years ago, there was two Canadians who used to post some absolute hilarious stories.
I’m not trying to throw shit on a fire here but the saga of @OregonChris and Moby Dick was pretty funny.
Chris when you were like
“It’s an extinct leg bro! We basically found a dinosaur” 🤣
Hope all’s well man.
This is a classic... Best thread of the year so far. It reminds me of way back when, like 18ish years ago, there was two Canadians who used to post some absolute hilarious stories.
One guy went by the handle Tufferthandoug iirc. Hilarious guy, but he was all comedy, not drop dead burn your bag of poop in the fire serious.😁
Okay you asked for it. I recommend the Tropicana juice jug for those middle of the night pee breaks. The wide mouth makes for fewer missed opportunities, especially when firing blind in the dark. Don't forget to put the lid back on in case there's a fumble the next time you need to get up and go. Always glad to help those who are less experienced.
Ontario, I'm with you until you throw it in the fire; in our ice house we dont have any plumbing, just a toilet seat over a bucket, after business, we tie off the bag, set it outside, if its freezing even better (less chance of the bag ripping open) otherwise when we leave we place the bags back into the bucket and wait til we can place it in the trash
I prefer to get rid of sewage rather than store for a week and haul it out. Definitely do not want to bury it. The bag, and maybe the poo, will still be there ten years from now. If the fire is burning hot there is no smell. We chucked our kids' diapers in the wood burning furnace and no smell or complaints from neighbours fifteen feet either side of our city lot. No plastic in them though. Burning birch bark in the furnace was a lot smellier. I'm sure that stuff contains natural rubber.
I prefer to get rid of sewage rather than store for a week and haul it out. Definitely do not want to bury it. The bag, and maybe the poo, will still be there ten years from now. If the fire is burning hot there is no smell. We chucked our kids' diapers in the wood burning furnace and no smell or complaints from neighbours fifteen feet either side of our city lot. No plastic in them though. Burning birch bark in the furnace was a lot smellier. I'm sure that stuff contains natural rubber.
So you are the guy that thinks his sh!t dont stink. F'in Canadians!
It's not like th OP just pulled this out of his backside. The US military uses the same process in some circumstances.

That said, I don't think it is how I'll handle business going forward.
Back when I took my hunting sabbatical, we dug a latrine behind camp. After filling it up we decided to burn it down to create more room. I kind of hate to admit it, but the smell wasn't all that horrendous. :poop:
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