A tip for camper trailers at remote sites.

Need the large size kitchen bag to stretch over the toilet. Depth is not an issue. It's circumference. The cheap no name brand I bought is pretty thin. Not a lot of plastic but enough to not leak ... yet. No odor that I can detect as long as the campfire is burning hot. Sure beats having to mess with cleaning the sewage tank later in subzero weather.

Heaters on the tanks? Well that sounds like a fancy rock band pusher bus. How do you keep the heaters powered up? Listening to the drone of a generator all night? Real wilderness atmosphere. My camp is a bit more on the rustic side. Much more rustic when I was staying in my wall tent in subzero (F) weather. The answer then was a Chinette paper plate that got tossed in the stove. Warning: pay the money for Chinette plates. With a full load on board the cheap ones tend to collapse on the way to the fire. Been there done that. Also a good idea to practice aiming bombs during the off season. Preferably on a floor that's easily cleaned. Preferably when the wife is not at home. The paper plate trick worked for me for years ... but of course I always hunted alone. For a bunch of tough elk hunters you guys are sure squeamish. Who guts your animals? The butler?
Mine are 12vdc pads that attaches directly to the tank.

RV Tank Heater Pad

This is a fantastic thread. Never needed to try this but now its going to eat at me until I smell the sweetness of melting plastic and turd. I probably have another few decades to go before I give it a go but I can see my dad liking this idea if it was real cold outside.
Or, just use a Wag Bag and skip the mess. I started using wag bags because they are required on the Rubicon. They work great and help keep things sanitary without burning anything.
Having experienced the aroma of burning dog crap when a friend’s kids were throwing it in the backyard fire pit, I’m going to say this is a hard no. When everyone went inside, the entire house smelled like burnt shit. 🤢 Can’t imagine anything more appealing than walking around the woods all week smelling like your buddy’s burning poo.
Ontario, I'm with you until you throw it in the fire; in our ice house we dont have any plumbing, just a toilet seat over a bucket, after business, we tie off the bag, set it outside, if its freezing even better (less chance of the bag ripping open) otherwise when we leave we place the bags back into the bucket and wait til we can place it in the trash
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