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A timely lament . . .

I stopped talking to half of my family (even my sister) over their political views. They are dead to me. I guess I miss them as much as they miss me.

My dad, cousins, grandfathers, and great uncles served this country and some of them sacrificed their lives for what some people are trying to tear apart both socially and financially.

i'm not sure anyone is "trying" to tear it apart. most everyone believes fully in their heart they are trying to save and restore it and "know" they are right.

and then, due to that, the wheels on the bus just keep going round and round, picking up speed, towards the cliff.
The parties have moved in directions that both seem unexplainable. I am politically conservative - but the GOP of today doesnt really resonate with me and seems disconnected. I miss when they talked about corporate tax rates or policy of any kind. Sensationalism has completely driven out pragmatism.

One thing i have come to have no tolerance for is extreme wokism or q anonism. Not sure what soceity will ever be able to do about those extremists - but its not trending well for the sane majority.


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I stopped talking to half of my family (even my sister) over their political views. They are dead to me. I guess I miss them as much as they miss me.

My dad, cousins, grandfathers, and great uncles served this country and some of them sacrificed their lives for what some people are trying to tear apart both socially and financially.
I am saddened to hear this, and assume your relatives (as well as mine) served at great personal peril to save their fellow soldiers, family, friends and community first and abstract concepts like gay marriage or appropriate marginal tax rates or debt ratios were rarely part of the equation. Honor their sacrrice by finding family once again.
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My wife reminds me I am too quick to label others as, "moron", so a bit of the pot calling kettle black, but I think it is not that they are too stupid. I think it is more that a million years of human evolution created a brain that fears isolation from the tribe as a fate worse than death. And those who are allowed to lead have ramped this to 11 - a saber toothed tiger is always at our door. In 15000 BC, fight or flight may have been our only biological options, but in 2024, in theory, those are rarely the only or best options. The challenge is how do we get the average individual to separate the cries of the pundits which feel so existential from the issues that really are important.
OK , now you're just using semantics , IMO . In 1500 BC fear of isolation was a real threat , now not so much . Those that have evolved are now capable of thinking rationally without the fear of being ousted from the tribe . So scratch my use of stupid and replace it with un-evolved , same thing .
We agree on the challenge , but I have no idea of what the answer is .
And just to be clear I'm not trying to be argumentative , it's hard for the sarcastic tone of my reply to come through in text , or print .
OK , now you're just using semantics , IMO . In 1500 BC fear of isolation was a real threat , now not so much . Those that have evolved are now capable of thinking rationally without the fear of being ousted from the tribe . So scratch my use of stupid and replace it with un-evolved , same thing .
We agree on the challenge , but I have no idea of what the answer is .
And just to be clear I'm not trying to be argumentative , it's hard for the sarcastic tone of my reply to come through in text , or print .
No worries, always welcome semantics and sarcasm - but both are tricky on the web.

There are some pretty interesting studies about how the brain works, and 1,000 years - let alone 30 years of internet - is a very short time to see biological change. Some interesting work even suggests logic is a fantasy and that the part of our brain that makes decisions is active before the part that does reasoning. Suggesting that unless we are very circumspect, we are not rational beings, but rather are rationalizing beings. That we decide first and then rationalize second. But if we are diligent we can think again and upon additional thought can change our minds or not. But that all happens after the flood of emotions, fear, and fight/flight reaction.
We are at the divisive mercy of two financial machines some like to call political parties. 5 years ago I would've told you which representative of either I preferred, and why. I really no longer do.

Once I started to believe that though the difference between either are very different trails through very different philosophical geographies, and yet in their present state will actually arrive at the same destination - that being chaos - a kind of grace was incorporated into my political views. When faced with two decisions, both of which are deeply unacceptable, we shouldn't hold it against our fellow Americans for their choices as it serves little purpose.
When I want to get to the meat of a thread's substance I often seek out Nameless's missives...^^^this is right on the money
i'm not sure anyone is "trying" to tear it apart. most everyone believes fully in their heart they are trying to save and restore it and "know" they are right.

and then, due to that, the wheels on the bus just keep going round and round, picking up speed, towards the cliff.
I think "the good sound bite" has in the age of insta reels, social media, etc. has in and of itself become the substance of conversation rather than just a thumbnail as it were for a greater conversation.

So many of the current politicians have no real platform, no agenda, they exist purely to get views and "likes" and their have steered the discourse in that direction.
You owe me a trigger warning that a trigger warning is forthcoming, as trigger warnings trigger me. Failing to do so makes you either a fascist pig or a communist apparatchik depending on how I feel that day ;)
It has become painfully obvious that I don't belong in this discussion. There's way too many words I have to look up.
Seeing how this is a political thread I'll throw out a warning. You can take it or leave it. Our idiot f'ing governor newsome will be running for president in 2028 . Whatever you do, don't let that happen that he becomes president.
Seeing how this is a political thread I'll throw out a warning. You can take it or leave it. Our idiot f'ing governor newsome will be running for president in 2028 . Whatever you do, don't let that happen that he becomes president.
He and I agree on very very little, but wow is he a polished speaker when allowed to bath in his own facts. If you just accept his public words he is all things to all people. Just saw him on Bill Mahr's HBO show. I would guess his Cali credentials will kill him in swing states - but he is a slick talker - much more so than Biden, Kamala, Kloubachar, Warren, etc.
How can anyone support a party or people who thinks (votes) that it is ok for boys to go into a women's bathroom or allow boys to play in girls' sports? Thats a sickness that needs professional correction.
I think the trans/gender conversation has gotten squirrely for sure, but going to all unisex bathroom stalls like many other countries have had for years and I would prefer (I don't need to see the ankles of the guy next to me expelling yesterday's chili) is hardly reason to lose family. And for kids sports, we way over think those and frankly most kids should just be in co-ed rec league and not 5am school day hockey practice. If it becomes a real problem we can solve it with height and weight categories like we have in football and wrestling for kids for decades. At the elite levels testosterone level rules probably fix it. Again, sad to lose a sister over.
I think "the good sound bite" has in the age of insta reels, social media, etc. has in and of itself become the substance of conversation rather than just a thumbnail as it were for a greater conversation.

So many of the current politicians have no real platform, no agenda, they exist purely to get views and "likes" and their have steered the discourse in that direction.

exactly. and at the risk of turning the thread politically divisive, trump perfected and super charged the approach. and holy shit it works.