A little humour for your day

Oh, and one more thing about “The Great McGinty.” It is contained in movie clip audio that Mr. Carlin has carefully inserted.

The art of the bribe, The Chicago Way.

In the scene, Mayor McGinty is speaking to a greedy Chicago businessman who desperately wants city business and begs McGinty to grant his wish.

The crafty McGinty tells him that he’s not the one who makes decisions on contracts. A commissioner makes those decisions, not the mayor, McGinty insists.

Rejecting the businessman’s clumsy appeal to corruption, the mayor walks him to the door. McGinty tells him that he needs to stop worrying, to get outside, relax, fill his lungs with fresh air and go to a ballgame. Just then as if “by coincidence” Mayor McGinty points to a large photo on the wall.

It is a photo of a massive crowd at the ballpark. McGinty asks the businessman to guess how many sports fans were in attendance.

“10,000?” says the businessman.

“Not even close,” says McGinty, frowning.

20,000 fans?

No way, say he, as if 20,000 was an insult.

“50,000?” says the businessman hopefully.

McGinty is not pleased, but says the man is getting warm and asks him to guess again about how many fans are in the ballpark.

“75,000?” says the businessman.

With that McGinty slaps him on the back and says the commissioner who decides such things will be happy to meet him.

The Chicago way.

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