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A little humour for your day

My daughter in law would kill me posting this, but that reminded me of this. My son n I were fishing w my grandson, turned around n the little s**t was getting the empties n trying to suck the last little bit out!!!!
My great grandpa came over from Holland during the homestead years. He always believed kids should be broken in on beer early and beer was a staple at dinner time. I had my first taste of beer apparently at two weeks age according to my mom. I was often given eampty bottles at a very young age to finish it off.
It’s a funny joke but commercially harvested wheat has changed in the last 20 years. Wheat isn’t the problem, it’s all the sh!t they spray on it.
My daughter has had Gluten Allergy(Celiac Disease) since birth, 1991. I've had it since 2006. Wheat, oats, rye and barley are definitely the problem. Air Force blood samples taken from soliders in the 1950's indicate Celiac was present in 3% of the samples. Just undiagnosed at the time.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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