A little humour for your day

You guys are all screwed with the next generation in this whole math argument. My buddy was talking about how his 11 yo girl was doing math this last year and he was trying to help. Was telling her how to do it and she kept insisting it was wrong. She got it wrong on her homework. Teacher talked to him later and said "you can't teach your daughter to do it that way, we are teaching it this way now " 🤦‍♂️
There was all kinds of hubbub when my kid's school switched to Singapore math. Half the parents cheered, half the parents hated the idea. They had a "parents introduction" to Singapore math meeting where about 50 parents attended. They gave a fairly standard 5th-grade math problem. They asked the parents to solve it using the traditional method - 90% got the answer wrong. Then they explained how Singapore math would make it easier and they provided a little tutorial and had people try again - and 90% got the wrong answer. My take-home of the evening - one approach may or may not be better than the other, but your average parent group is not the one that should be deciding.
And then you scoop the dog poop up with a paper cup and throw it into the storm drain right…
Yep. That cup and poop are down there drifting away with all the mouldy dead leaves, mud, bugs, toads, etc. I'm sure the earwigs are appreciative.
I took multiplication and division does that count?
If it makes you feel better, Calc II is likely why I don’t have M.D. after my name and I am not retired like my younger sister (okay, an aversion to human blood is another possible reason). 😃

I distinctly recall leaving my Calc I class one day with my professor staring at the chalk equations on the blackboard pondering the mistake I had pointed out to him. At that point, I thought this is ridiculous.
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