I always miss my Dad during hunting season. We connected the best in hunting camps. Thanks for sharing your story about your Dad and your ram. The pain and joy of life.
You hear stories about the guy who spent 15 minutes hunting and shot his sheep just off the road, at one point I asked why couldn't that be me? I am really glad it wasn't, I was actually able to glass, stalk, and glass some more, get frustrated, go home and still come back for more. At times I wish I still had the tag just to go back again, maybe I will go up and pretend to look for a big buck.. A big shoutout goes to all ht'r who offered up advice and encouragement. Sheep hunters are a special breed, I did not run into one person up there who did not try to help out, it was incredible.. THANKS!
Clint...I, like many others on here are sincerely sorry for your loss. How your story ended up is amazing and I would agree, it seemed like your father wanted to see you get that particular ram. It is a GREAT critter and will certainly bring back many memories for years to come. I wish we could've spent a little more time in the field together, but I enjoyed the short time we did. You're a stand up guy with a great kid. Congrats again, your reward couldn't have happened to a better guy!
My condolences on the passing of your father. Congrats on your ram and the good memories it will bring as you think about the hunt and your father's life.