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A Complete Sentence: The Second Amendment

"A well-regulated militia" - "well-regulated" means (meant) modern, well supplied; militia means (per 10 USC § 246) any and all males between 17 - 45 (Organized and Unorganized)
"being necessary to the security of a free state" - in order to have a government free of threats, enemies (both foreign and domestic)

The short version is the people shall be free, and in order for them to remain free, there shall be a civilian army/navy (militia) that is supplied with modern, well stocked weapons and ammunition.
Maybe he means hypothetically? If they came for that, that’s likely what will happen.. idk though. I had read an article a couple years ago also that in one or two states law enforcement showed up to folks houses that are registered owners of “assault rifles” and demanded they hand them over or provide some bill of sale. I can’t find squat on an article now though. Fake news perhaps 😂 that’s all I have to contribute.. can’t wait to see where this goes! How many of us are willing to “stand your ground” in a state that provides that statute, against a government entity coming to infringe on your constitutional rights? You better believe they’ll be in Kevlar and armed to the T
"A well-regulated militia" - "well-regulated" means (meant) modern, well supplied; militia means (per 10 USC § 246) any and all males between 17 - 45 (Organized and Unorganized)
"being necessary to the security of a free state" - in order to have a government free of threats, enemies (both foreign and domestic)

The short version is the people shall be free, and in order for them to remain free, there shall be a civilian army/navy (militia) that is supplied with modern, well stocked weapons and ammunition.
Yes, and the "civilian army/navy (militia)" is the duly recognized, equipped, trained, and ready state National Guard, commanded by a state civilian adjutant general appointed by the Governor's office. Funded and supported by DOD, National Guard units have been deployed in recent decades for national strategic defense missions, but are primarily and directly under the authority of the respective state governors.
Montana has held the dubious distinction of having to deal with self-appointed citizen "militias", some of which grossly misinterpreted the US Constitution, as well as the Montana Constitution, and established unlawful programs and processes to fund themselves. Some are in prison now as a result.
At one time the "Montana Militia" of northwest Montana set up a booth at the Helena Gun Show and was advertising and recruiting. Montana National Guard Adjutant General went to the gun show to firmly and clearly explain to the wannabe military, self-appointed militia a$$hats at the booth that there is one and only one Montana Militia and he commanded it! Furthermore, if they wanted topnotch training with topnotch military instructors, employing topnotch equipment, then they should step up, sign up, train up and serve their state and nation. Until then, they should stand down! 'Don't know if it was coincidental or not, but the prominence of that group significantly diminished shortly thereafter.
Yes, and the "civilian army/navy (militia)" is the duly recognized, equipped, trained, and ready state National Guard, commanded by a state civilian adjutant general appointed by the Governor's office. Funded and supported by DOD, National Guard units have been deployed in recent decades for national strategic defense missions, but are primarily and directly under the authority of the respective state governors.
Montana has held the dubious distinction of having to deal with self-appointed citizen "militias", some of which grossly misinterpreted the US Constitution, as well as the Montana Constitution, and established unlawful programs and processes to fund themselves. Some are in prison now as a result.
At one time the "Montana Militia" of northwest Montana set up a booth at the Helena Gun Show and was advertising and recruiting. Montana National Guard Adjutant General went to the gun show to firmly and clearly explain to the wannabe military, self-appointed militia a$$hats at the booth that there is one and only one Montana Militia and he commanded it! Furthermore, if they wanted topnotch training with topnotch military instructors, employing topnotch equipment, then they should step up, sign up, train up and serve their state and nation. Until then, they should stand down! 'Don't know if it was coincidental or not, but the prominence of that group significantly diminished shortly thereafter.
They made the HUGE mistake of showing up on radar. It's stupid to create a "militia" these days as they will IMMEDIATELY show up as an "extreme right-wing domestic terror group". As you stated above, join the National Guard, or if you live in a state such as mine (Florida) join the State Guard.

Here are the seminal cases in full if anybody is interested in the substance of the arguments instead of unwittingly suggesting the justices were uninformed. One can glean a great deal by reading them.

They were "informed" but they came up with their conclusion and then did the research to support it.
They were "informed" but they came up with their conclusion and then did the research to support it.

That’s just an unnecessarily cynical way of viewing the split. If the justices and their clerks cannot find precedence to support their decisions then they cannot (1) convince the other justices of their position, and (2) they cannot support their position in the written ruling thus leaving it vulnerable in the future. The telltale signs that that occurred in this case is the fact that Kennedy agreed with the majority opinion, and the Hiller case has stood up remarkably well in subsequent years despite being heavily litigated in front of the US Supreme Court.

I had lunch with Robert Levy, who was one of the lead counsel for the respondents. It’s interesting that he is actually quite liberal in most of his political stances, but informed me he was amazed how objective the court was on this particular case, and how well reasoned the opinion was upon release. Thus, I read very little into theories that the court was biased on this one.
As an appropriate sign of the times, just let two comedians explain it.
Pretty simple, except to half the population and 4/9ths of the US Supreme Court who like to make the 2nd Amendment the only one not about individual rights.

"[A] bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular, and what no just government should refuse."
- Thomas Jefferson, December 20, 1787

I only support having celebrity opinions shared when they support my view.
"[A] bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular, and what no just government should refuse."
- Thomas Jefferson, December 20, 1787

Interestingly got that off the ACLU page on the Bill of rights.

The idea that because the federal funds the various states National Guard negates the observed right of the people (not Militia) to bear arms is asinine
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