A "common sense" proposal that will piss off both sides

The attempt was to talk about broad solutions, gun laws included, but a bunch of "just arm teachers" posts don't address the other 45,000 annual gun deaths - deaths impacted by mental health system issues, economic issues, failed urban cores and rural communities, etc. So, yes, your remarks are on topic, but more generally this very narrow item has been raised dozens of times on this thread already despite its very small portion of the bigger problems. It seems like way too many folks want one-sentence solutions for encyclopedic problems - I can say it isn't surprising, as this is how we got here. It is also that way for every other issue facing the nation - a series of predictable pre-packaged one-sentence dismissives used to cut off any nuanced discussions. It does get tiring.
How bout this? Let people carry wherever they want that is public property or open to the public(including schools) Should my comment stand or be deleted?

Recently some people who where somewhere they could not legally carry were victimized. Is that okay or not?
The time of middle ground politics has passed….

All we have now is the extreme on each side which leads to grid lock. That’s probably better than either extreme getting their way.

The common thing with almost all of these events is soft targets.

The unlocked door at the school needs to be investigated. That small delay could have made this situation end outside since it all started before entering the building.

Complacency kills….or so I was told in a few past careers.
This is a bad faith argument and you know it. You are pretending like human behavior is something that government, policy, and laws have no impact on.

Neither government, policy, nor laws have made any "Gun Free Zone" safer. Yours is a bad faith argument to espouse otherwise. How often do you see a gun store robbed? (yeah, I know there was one recently - and the perp got killed trying to do it).
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Neither government, policy, nor laws have made any "Gun Free Zone" safer. Yours is a bad faith argument if you believe otherwise. How often do you see a gun store robbed? (yeah, I know there was one recently - and the perp got killed trying to do it).

Interestingly, the NRA convention happening tomorrow is a gun free zone for attendees. You'd think that would be the one place where a good guy with a gun could stop the bad guy with a gun. Guess not thou.
"Though personal firearms are allowed at the convention, the NRA said guns would not be permitted during the session featuring Trump because of Secret Service security protocols."

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Begin enforcing the gun laws on the books. Strict no tolerance policy for repeat offenders. Some of these guys have such long rap sheets at a young age but have done minimal or zero time. Get rid of the non-violent drug offenders in prison and you’ve just made room for all the clowns who can’t seem to function in normal society. Get rid of those violent offenders and you’ve just reduced the pool of bad influence surrounding so many youths growing up in these problem areas.
You may be correct IF we start actually enforcing laws and incarcerating violent offenders for a very long time. But, that doesn't seem to be the case right now. Violent offenders are walking and folks (lots of women and former anti-gun folks included) are arming themselves at record rates.

So, make it safer, and, you're right, maybe folks wouldn't see guns as essential. But, you can't have increasingly wanton lawlessness and disarm the populace.
Big time true. The A-hole who mowed down and killed people during the Christmas parade got a 1000.00 bail a few days earlier for running his GF over with his vehicle. The lawlessness isn't lawlessness, it is law enforcement-less. No way bail for trying to kill your girlfriend for a person with a past record should be 1000.00
Interestingly, the NRA convention happening tomorrow is a gun free zone for attendees. You'd think that would be the one place where a good guy with a gun could stop the bad guy with a gun. Guess not thou.
That's hilarious.....
When will the media ever take responsibility.
They know that their spotlighting the identity of mass shooters only encourages more shootings, and yet they cry in outrage about gun violence.
Nobody needs to know the name and face of the killers. They need to stop this.
Guns have been in American households for over 200 years and nobody was shooting up schools with Tommy guns. Social Media is the root of the problem.
I'm curious what the Second Amendment absolutists would say to the Framer's of the Constitution (John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington) if we could time travel them to 2022 and try to explain to them how 19 dead children and 2 dead teachers is all part of an inalienable right? Would they still right it as they did?
They would look at us here in 2022 and ask why the hell are so many current laws are not being enforced. Back in their time what do you think they would do to people who commit armed robbery, murder, and politicians that think laws should be ignored? They would think a lot of things went to hell.
They would look at us here in 2022 and ask why the hell are so many current laws are not being enforced. Back in their time what do you think they would do to people who commit armed robbery, murder, and politicians that think laws should be ignored? They would think a lot of things went to hell.
Jails are full and citizens don’t want to pay for more. The attempted privatization of the system led to a boatload of corruption (judges being paid to give jail time for example). That is primarily the reason.
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