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A "common sense" proposal that will piss off both sides

Now - but I recall the mandatory seatbelt wars in ND that ended up fairly partisan. MN indoor public building smoking ban got partisan too. Whenever the pols can find an issue to get out the vote or bring in $$ they will make it partisan and ride it to death.
Yah that goes for anything you could think of.
What about if catsup/ketchup was a vegetable?
Or even if one or the other of "catsup" or "ketchup" be mandated on the label. In politics, "deeply held beliefs" are those issues you can use as a social wedge to generate $$$$ and single-issue voting blocks. Pols most deeply held belief is that at all costs they must be elected/re-elected, nation be damned. Their minions' most deeply held belief is that their public display of the chosen position makes them morally superior to others.

Not that I have become cynical or anything.
I'm not saying that they matter less, but unless it's highly unusual you never hear about them except for maybe local news. A hit and run [alcohol involved or not] makes the local news, but that's about it so you never really know the extent of the problem.

Then again as some put it "people die every day" from a variety of causes. At least 50,000 or more people die annually from prescription drugs, but I can't remember ever hearing about it in the news or other places.
Opioid epidemic, Sackler family, etc. Plenty of news coverage and lengthy legal gyrations and court battles around that. Pharma, big tobacco, etc. is massively regulated, and we still have deaths from that. Consider the impact if no one was held accountable in those two industries if immune to regulation....put a few more zeros on your estimate.
Whenever I hear the words "Common Sense" my 5'4" Blonde, 34-23-32 C+ cup sex droid walks over and slaps the F' out of me! Politicians have as much "Common Sense" as I do a thinking I'll ever have a 5'4" Blonde Bimbo!!
Is everyone who is not from Massachusetts or holding the same culinary viewpoint as you a commie? So McCarthyish
Also those people from Pro-wich ie Pro-pucky states are in league with the devil, their perverse ideologies are poisoning our youth.

Do you remember when a hotdog was just a hotdog? I do, gas was $.99 a gallon, the US economy was roaring, freedom was everywhere... you could smell it...
now look at things...SMH

obviously this propaganda is the first step in a new liberal world order that wants to silence the hot dog purists who love America.
Opioid epidemic, Sackler family, etc. Plenty of news coverage and lengthy legal gyrations and court battles around that. Pharma, big tobacco, etc. is massively regulated, and we still have deaths from that. Consider the impact if no one was held accountable in those two industries if immune to regulation....put a few more zeros on your estimate.
Held accountable??? Did anyone go to jail for knowingly withholding evidence and promoting a drug that killed at least 40K people? Only making $2 billion instead of 2.25 billion for the year isn't exactly being held accountable.

By the time Vioxx is withdrawn from market, an estimated 20 million Americans have taken the drug.

Research later published in the medical journal Lancet estimates that 88,000 Americans had heart attacks from taking Vioxx, and
38,000 of them died.
Also those people from Pro-wich ie Pro-pucky states are in league with the devil, their perverse ideologies are poisoning our youth.

Do you remember when a hotdog was just a hotdog? I do, gas was $.99 a gallon, the US economy was roaring, freedom was everywhere... you could smell it...
now look at things...SMH

obviously this propaganda is the first step in a new liberal world order that wants to silence the hot dog purists who love America.
I'm getting wayyyy off topic, but if you want some sandwich injustice, Legal seafoods(Logan location) got me for $43 last week for a lobstah roll, same week where I read that lobster prices were down almost 30% . Felt more socialist than communist
I'm getting wayyyy off topic, but if you want some sandwich injustice, Legal seafoods(Logan location) got me for $43 last week for a lobstah roll, same week where I read that lobster prices were down almost 30% . Felt more socialist than communist
My rule of thumb is to only buy rolls from establishments where you consume them on sitting your tailgate/trunk with a beer YMMV.
FYI, these billionaires aren't "conservatives". They are the connected elite that just happen to reside in TX. They donate to both sides. Mostly to R's since they control the purse strings in the state.

A group of mostly Texas residents organized by Todd Maclin, a former senior executive at J.P. Morgan Chase, signed an open letter in support of expanding background checks for gun purchases, passing "red flag" laws to deny firearms to people judged a risk to themselves or the public, and raising the minimum age to buy some guns to 21 from 18.

The letter ran as a full-page ad in Sunday's Dallas Morning News with 250 signatures, including those of Robert Rowling, the billionaire founder of TRT Holdings, which owns Omni Hotels, and billionaire oil executive Ray Hunt, both of whom are high-level Republican donors.