Kenetrek Boots

49ers vs Ravens

If the 49ers come back and win this game after the power going out, I'm calling my broker in the morning and telling him to buy me all the Reynolds aluminum he can get his hands on. The tin foil hat crowd will be out in mass.
Ravens win!!
But I would like to point out 2 things. First, obvious holding in the end zone on the fourth down throw.
Second, even more obvious holding in the end zone on the safety. Penalty should have been called and clock reset to 9 seconds.
ravens win!!
We, the viewer, were the winner. I feared a boring azz blowout that looked to be coming true so I was just happy that my interest was held until the end. The commercials were weak though. The best was prob the Dodge Ram one about farmers with Paul Harvey's narration. And what the hell is wrong with GoDaddy? Just prance her around in a bikini, nuff said.
Ravens win!!
But I would like to point out 2 things. First, obvious holding in the end zone on the fourth down throw.
Second, even more obvious holding in the end zone on the safety. Penalty should have been called and clock reset to 9 seconds.ravens win!!
Agreed! That was as blatant a hold that was not called as I have ever seen.
But I would like to point out 2 things. First, obvious holding in the end zone on the fourth down throw.
Second, even more obvious holding in the end zone on the safety. Penalty should have been called and clock reset to 9 seconds.
ravens win!!
I wanted to say the same thing but didn't want to sound like a sore loser. It was holding no doubt. Its unfortunate that's how the game was decided.
Look on the bright side...

That may not be the top post of the year - but it's right up there with the best :)

Great sense of humor..
It is funny how all the 49's fans want to talk about a hold on the final play but they conveniently forget about the hit on Flacco when he was five yards out of bounds. That should have been an automatic first down and the ball would have been on the 49's one yard line. Call both penalties and the result from the game would have been the same.

I don't think Baltimore would win two of three against the 49's but they don't have to. The Ravens won and won legit. When this game is reviewed years from now no one is going to be talking about holding.
Great game. Besides the "outage" and halftime, I watched it all. As far as the holding call, the refs let those guys play all game long. How can they change the direction of play calling in the last few minutes? There was a LOT of contact from both players. Commercials? I really liked the Audi prom one, and while I'd never buy a Dodge, my family farms on the High-Line so that one hit home. Great game. mtmuley
Great game. Besides the "outage" and halftime, I watched it all. As far as the holding call, the refs let those guys play all game long. How can they change the direction of play calling in the last few minutes? There was a LOT of contact from both players. Commercials? I really liked the Audi prom one, and while I'd never buy a Dodge, my family farms on the High-Line so that one hit home. Great game. mtmuley

How is this not holding? Did you watch the same game as me?
In the past 110 playoff games Refs have only called 1 defensive holding call and only 2 pass interference calls in the last 2 min of a game. If you ask me thats beyond "letting them play" every defensive coordinator knows that in the last 2 min of the super bowl you can hold and interfere and it wont be called. Its an obvious advantage to the team with the lead and definitely favorers certain styles of teams. Its against the rules call it!

They had lots of chances to win and the didn't they lost the game. But to say that there was no holding is just ignorant. Would it have changed the outcome of the game ? Who knows. Probably not. Call it and we would know!
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