Caribou Gear

300 Win Mag ammo for elk.


Active member
Oct 17, 2017
Bethlto, Illinois
I just finished my Tikka build in 300WM. Now, what ammo to shoot? I have some 200g Hornady Precision Hunter on hand. I know that I can shoot lighter bullets. What are your recommendations? Heavier yet or lighter? What ammo has been good to you? Factory loads only.

I would try the nosler accubond 180 and hornady outfitter 180 but good luck finding them and not cheap either..... im debating on just going back to my 30-06
When i looked in Spokane, 300WM was as available as any of the 30-06 but elk size bullets were as pricey in either.
I've been a .30 caliber/180 gr bullet fan for elk ever since I shot my first bull back in 1966. I shot that first bull with a factory load, but all of them since have been with handloads. When I used a .30-06 I had good results with 180 gr Sierra GameKing bullets. For 20 some years I shot 180 gr Nosler Partitions in my .30 Gibbs, and the first two bulls that I killed with my .300 Weatherby were one with a 168 gr Barnes TSX bullet and the other with a Barnes TTSX bullet. My elk load now with my .300 Wby is with 180 gr Barnes TTSX bullets.

The most important factor is bullet placement. I really don't think that any one brand of modern hunting bullets will kill better than the others. Try several different brands and bullets and see which one shoots best in your rifle, then use it and practice, practice, practice.
I just finished my Tikka build in 300WM. Now, what ammo to shoot? I have some 200g Hornady Precision Hunter on hand. I know that I can shoot lighter bullets. What are your recommendations? Heavier yet or lighter? What ammo has been good to you? Factory loads only.

Lot of people shoot an animal using something and then go full religious thinking that's the only bullet that will kill. Its also a 300 WM so I would not hesitate using most. If its was a lesser caliber I would maybe get more into the details...

With ammo availability being hit and miss, I would focus on finding a bullet or certain grain the gun likes and shoots well that is not some very specific or Gucci bullet, grain, etc. When ammo selection goes nutty, they always pump out the common ones first. You dont wanna be the only guy in hunting camp with two bullets because you chose the fancy one that you cant find in a normal hunting store.

Just my two cents from a guy who works in a hunting store. Lot of people will tell you what they like, doesn't mean your gun will shoot it well. Buy a couple different options and see what happens.
.300 for the win! You picked a great cartridge. Thats a good choice to kill things! Can’t help with Elk but I used 150 grain hornady on whitetails and one died every time I pulled the trigger with both an entrance and an exit wound!! All at or further than 100 yds.

Ultimately, I would go with the weight your gun shoots the best and most accurately that’s above 165 grains!!
My biggest issue has been the repeatability of finding enough of a certain load that i determine shoots well to practice enough.
Whatever factory loads you can find in 180gr-200gr range that shoots well in your gun. Once you figure that out get a case so you have some for practice. I like 180gr NP in my 300 but I reload ans I have plenty of bullets in stock on my bench.
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I would try the nosler accubond 180 and hornady outfitter 180 but good luck finding them and not cheap either..... im debating on just going back to my 30-06
30-06 in either of those has been hard to find too.
180 gr Partitions have been boringly reliable.

I've gone to 165 gr Copper now since it's state law.
Agreed. Those things just flat out work especially within the ranges that, lets be honest, 90%+ of shots end up being. That being said, mine likes the darn cheap old school core-lokts about as good as anything
Don't over think the ammo choice. Find an accurate 180 gr load that is accurate in your rifle. My .300 WM only likes the cheap Winchester Power Points. That rifle/ammo combo has taken Several elk , several caribou, and lots of Whitetails for me. While that bullet is of “cup and core” design, it works.
Like many on this forum I roll my own. Back in 2021 when bullets were super hard to find I bought some Speer Grand Slam 165g. Then, a few months ago Nosler SPS was running a great price on blemished 165g AB so I grabbed some of those. I imagine that the Nosler ABs will probably group tighter than the Speer, but either one will kill any elk that I run across this fall. I am going to start some load development in the next couple of weeks.
I’ve had good results with both Accubond and Partitions in 180g from my Tikka. It’ll throw 200g Partitions just as well. If you like collecting bullets go Accubond if you gotta have complete penetration Partitions are more likely to pass through.

Try the loads that are common on local shelves. Hurry up and figure out what you like of those choices, go back and buy more than you think you’ll ever use.

Nice thing about the 300WM is it was killing critters before bullets were so danged good.
Im going to resurrect this thread, does anyone have experience with the Sig platinum hunter ammo, specifically the ones loaded with 180gr Nosler AccuBond bullets?

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