280 AI shooters

I don't shoot a AI, I shoot a 280 rem and love the gun. I run a 160 Speer and it kills everything. I've been using this gun for 15+ years. Hope this helps.
I don’t but if I was going to have to pick a non magnum do all cartridge it would be at the top of my list. Was actually thinking of putting together a light one this year but I showed a little restraint and didn’t spend the money.
If you hand load it is the best all around cartridge for NA big game in my opinion. If you shoot suppressed with shortish barrel and within 325yds there are better options than -06 based cartridges, like the 280AI is (blow less powder into the suppressor).
I’ve lost count of how many animals have been killed by my family and I with my 280ai. Elk, mule deer, whitetail deer, bear, antelope and bighorn sheep. I handload 160gr accubonds at ~3k muzzle velocity. The round kills. If you want to dial, the 7mm flies great.
I’ve lost count of how many animals have been killed by my family and I with my 280ai. Elk, mule deer, whitetail deer, bear, antelope and bighorn sheep. I handload 160gr accubonds at ~3k muzzle velocity. The round kills. If you want to dial, the 7mm flies great.

My 22” 280 AI really likes the 160 gr Accubond at a hair under 3000 fps. So far, I have only shot a bear with it but it worked well.
If you hand load it is the best all around cartridge for NA big game in my opinion. If you shoot suppressed with shortish barrel and within 325yds there are better options than -06 based cartridges, like the 280AI is (blow less powder into the suppressor).
What’s the shortest you think you could get away with without leaving too much on the table? 22”?
I have one in a Bergara. Pushing 143gr hammer hunters around 3350. It’s been hell on deer, haven’t gotten the opportunity on elk yet.
That is what I would do. I am in the suppressor minority. I don't want one. mtmuley
I could see the want to have one at the range but I couldn’t see wanting to carry one on a hunt especially if I was covering much ground. I do like the idea of having a shorter barrel but I don’t like going so short you’re sacrificing as much velocity as some do. But to each their own.
Thanks for the info guys was thinking about the kimber 84L.
A Kimber 84L Montana is what I have. You might have trouble finding one. Last time I looked recently, there weren’t any new Kimber rifles available on the market.

My favorite cartridge out of many, many I have used.
175 g bullet at 2935 fps in another rifle @ 168 g at 2950.

Accurate, lower recoil, and puts them down like lightning.

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